Cloaking Q & A, Deep Link Ratio Tool, Untitled Document

AdSense Tool
SenseTool I have not tried it out, but it is free and looks neato...

a Q & A with Fantomaster

Backlink Update
Google did one yesterday.

Me Too:
the new Yahoo! Search sure looks familiar.

Deep Link Ratio:
When links develop naturally interior pages of a site acquire numerous links. Sites which have a ton of deep links usually have a broad range of refering websites and good traffic. This free deep link tool queries Yahoo! to look at the percentage of backlinks which are deep links.
(link from Tara via Danny)

Gary Stein talks about the keyword untitled (and gives my ebook a good review...thanks for that Gary).

I think something like Untitled Document or Untitled Page would be a cool name for an SEO firm.

Audio Clip:
I was on another marketing show recently. I feel weird being listed on sites with guys like Bob Bly or Jack Trout...I still have a ton of learning I need to do...luckily for me guys like those write awesome books I can read.

While peaking at Seth's blog recently I saw that Malcolm Gladwell has just wrote another book. <--- runs off to buy it...

If Blink is anything like The Tipping Point then it will probably be in my top 5 favorite books.

Keyword Tools, Cloaking

Keyword Permutator:
Another one hits the market... The Permutator costs $50 and has a free 10 day trial. (link found on Peter D's blog)

Persistence Pays Off ;-)
Chris Lee of Keywords Analyzer has sent me a nubmer of emails asking me to post about his software in my blog (and since I was mentioning other keyword software I finally remembered to). Keywords Analyzer is similar to AdWord Analyzer but with a few extra tweaks. Keyword Analyzer comes with a 90 day money back guarantee.

PPC competitive analysis software as a whole is going to become a huge market in the next 6 months to a year.

Social Computing Research:
From MSN: Wallop... link from Beal

Industrial Strength Cloaking
Briefly explained from Fantomaster

Cool Idea:
from Chris Ridings...he allows smaller search engine and directory reps to receive notifications when their search engine or directory are mentioned at SearchGuild.

Roll Your Own:
Tara Calishain created a searchroller tool which allows you to create bookmarks to search Yahoo! from any collection of websites or folders.

Price Per Word?
John Battelle has a graph showing PPC revenue trends.

SEO Book Price
I am raising it to $79 in about 10 minutes. I still need to do a bit of grammatical editing, but hopefully I will be able to do that over the weekend or early next week.

NameBomb, Yahoo! has Happy Quarter, Other Stuff...

(no relation to Tom Jones) ... Danny Sullivan coins another phrase.

Has a stellar quarter & brings Jeremy Zawodny back to search.

Negativity seems to help them... and they are off to India [added: where they are talked about image, speech, & multimedia search. also:
''There has been much speculation. But our work is focussed on improving the browsing experience,'' Google co-Founder and President (Technology) Sergey Brin told reporters here.

''Today's browsers are doing a pretty good job, but they can be improved. What we are looking to do is to enhance the quality of the browsing experience,'' he said. :source]

Robin Good on Search Champs...


Survey Says!
My buddy Rich Stokes is running a survey about PPC advertising. Please help out. Everyone who takes it gets a free e-book on new AdWords strategies, and in addition, one in every fifty respondents will get $100 in cash.

Google SMS, Google Word Clustering, the Great Google AdWords Debate ;)

Google SMS
Google is there is one more reason to get in a wreck while driving with a cell phone. Google launches Google SMS

Google Word Clustering & More
Andy Beal with the scoop

Google AdWords Trademark / Bid Policy
Lots of fun with Google AdWords (or maybe not fun)...

I spent a large amount of yesterday going back and forth with a dozen or so people about whether or not it is ok to bid on other people's names as the trigger words for article and search ad display. Google does not allow you to opt out of Google search ads if you want to advertise on articles.

Some of the big studs in PPC often recommend aggressively bidding on competitor names, and other SEOs get mad when you do it.

The hypocritical thing is that some of the SEOs who called my bidding on their name stinky were also selling their products by bidding on trademark terms (edited out the not mentioned in their products part, but certainly many SEOs still do that...and I am not certain that it is in any way wrong). Some of the people in these threads even asked some of my friends to jump in threads against me (my friends, of course, told them to go to hell).

What is your opinion on bidding on trademark terms or other people's names as ad trigger words? Please leave lots of feedback on this.

Increasing Price of SEO Book

Next Friday I am going to raise the price of the SEO Book to $79. Explanation / reasoning in extended post entry if you are interested in that sort of stuff. I will continue to give my ebook away to qualifying charities and also to one winner from each of my weeklyish newsletters.
I am usually all for selling stuff as cheap as possible, but I would like to continue to improve my ebook, and the time I spend reading and compiling data is a large portion of my life. There is a ton of value in that.

By leaving a low price on my ebook it makes some people assume it has a low value, which is absolutely not true. I work a ton to keep that ebook up to date and even go to many of the conferences that sometimes cost thousands of dollars to attend.

I still could improve the grammer in it some and I want to work to make it better and better. I want to keep learning and hopefully be able to pass on better and better knowledge. I could try to continue to sell it for $40 forever, but I do not think the sales will dip that much if I charge more, and if I charge more I will be able to invest more into it.

I also will still give away a free copy of my ebook to qualifying charities and am also giving away a free copy of my ebook in each of my free weeklyish newsletters from now on.

Google PageRank: Toolbar Update...

Wow, about time...over 100 days between Toolbar PageRank updates. It is still going back and forth on the toolbar.

You can view the new Google PageRank details here.

MSN Search Beta 2 Open

MSN Search Tech Preview
MSN Search Beta is back up now. ...more pages, clean interface, sometimes cluster two results / site together in results, still working on the technology...
(thanks to Gary)

Andy Beal has more on the fake SEO forums (apparently he gets coppies of some of the messages the "moderators" are not posting)

Presidential way to watch the debates... but be aware the debates have problems. Also for as much money as the canidates are spending you would think they could market in AdWords? I know somebody who is marketing for one of them ;-)

Web Advertising : Traffic Power & 1P Launch Fake SEO Forums

Fake SEO Forum?
Probably didn't think people would notice them about a week after they created their absolutely fake forum, but I did. Web-Advertising-Info = complete garbage...
It is a fake forum set up to push Traffic Power / 1P SEO services. These are the same SEO services that have got many webmasters banned from the search engines. Forum Facts:

  • Only list two category sources of seo news (one of which being me)

  • Individually review a bunch of seo the seo forum categories (not normal)
  • Say that I cold called them offering SEO services...based on how much time I spend reading books and posting in forums and stuff... I don't have time to cold call people. In fact I have even called a bunch of other SEOs asking if I could refer people to them...and even yesterday refered away a repeat client sell to a friend.
  • They reviewed both of my sites as two of about 14 categories
  • Only have categories of sites that have bashed (gave honest feedback out the services of) Traffic Power AND
  • Give positive reviews of Traffic Power AND 1P
  • Their forum is premoderated. When someone tried leaving a message they couldn't.
  • No way that many negative things have been randomly said about me in less than a week in an honest premoderated forum with less than 100 posts.
  • Can you say scam?

Avoid that forum like the plague. Forum Screenshot:
This image of the forum which promotes 1P & Traffic Power shows how they used two of my site names as their categories (to bash me) and also use one of their categories to promote Traffic Power.

Traffic Power & 1P: Using Deceptive Marketing
The fact that they would go to these lengths to try to market their services shows a few things:

  • They are pathetic.

  • Their services must not be worth using.
  • I was gonna let it slide, but this "SEO forum" went overboard. When Traffic Power cold called me asking to help me promote my website the site they wanted to promote this online shopping mall (look at how bad that site is and see for yourself the bad sites and naive webmasters they are actively trying to work for). The site is complete garbage. I made it before I knew anything about the web, marketing, or SEO. Now I use that site as bait site to see what kind of bad stuff there is on the web.
  • Traffic power is still the only SEO company that has cold called me and they have also cold called multiple friends of mine.
  • On September 23rd Traffic Power cold called another friend of mine. Here is the email he sent me about the cold call:

    guess who I just got off the phone with? A rep from trafficpower!!! She says that paying $3000 will allow me to refer clients to and I get like 40% of the service cost. I told her if she is any good, then she should work for herself. I will be in touch with her to see if she has any skill. Just for shits and giggles, I asked her what it would take for her to work for me full time. She said $1000/week. I laughed. She must be getting crumbs over there. If she's worth anything, she's worth ppc management. She seems bright

    ..but she works for crumbs in SEO.

More Placing this Bogus 1P / Traffic Power SEO Forum in Perspective
If you look at the links page on their site:
The second through fifth links on that page point into a site that promotes my ebook on every page of their website and gives it a glowing review.

More Fake SEO Forums Promoting 1P & Traffic Power
Andy Beal just spotted &

Later someone else noticed

All the fake SEO forums promote the same garbage as the other forum I found. On they ran a poll for my ebook (what real premoderated poles do you know that would use the following language and options)

  • It was a waste of money.

  • Aaron Wall's writes like a preschooler.
  • If this were a real book, I'd wipe my ass with the pages!

The goal of this "clever" advertising bit is to try to make all SEO forums look deceptive and sneaky so that Traffic Power, 1P, and similar companies who had been complained about can be at a level bar with respectable SEO firms.

Basically it is a "our name is in the tank so we want to ruin yours too" type of game...kinda like how politics works. There is something overtly transparent about their forums that would likely turn off any site visitors. They could not have possibly been any more transparent.

Andy Beal has more info about the comment moderation of the fake SEO forums...apparently whoever made the forums was so foolish that they ping Feedster with the hidden moderated comments. Andy has a few of them posted on his blog.

Further Reading on 1P / Traffic Power SEO Services:

Traffic Power Sinks to New Lows :-(
Las Vegas Tribune article...

AdWord Tracker: New Google AdWords Tracking Tool

New AdWords Tool:
AdWord Tracker is a new tool which compares where some of your competitors ads are placed over time. Analyzing this data can help you find where some of the advertising sweet spots are (it is not always best to rank at #1). Additionally they collect data such as how many estimated impressions each advertiser is making and what words they are advertising for.

Example AdWord Tracker Date
For keyword phrases such as "flat screen TV" AdWord Tracker will give you:

Most of the keywords you may want to track are likely not going to be in the system off the start. You can sign up to add up to two phrases to the system though.

I am not sure how this data is collected or how accurate it is, but if it is anywhere near accurate then it is dirt cheap competitive analysis. I did not see anywhere on the site where it said specifically how / where it collected the data and if/how it could account for other bots and programs like itself which skew traffic numbers.

AdWord Tracker Price
AdWord Tracker will track a couple AdWords keywords for you for free off the start and then charges either $4.99 for 3 months, $14.99/year.

I have to try it out a bit to see how good it will be, but it could be a useful tool. Google may try to make this data harder to collect if they are collecting good data. Cheap keyword research...come and get it ;-)

I am going to ask the owner how he collects that data and whatnot.

More Changes at Google...

Algorithm Change
Around September 23rd many webmasters stated they lost a bunch of their traffic from Google.

Google to Change Their Way of Rewarding Linkage Data?
DaveN is a fairly well respected SEO who recently made the following statements at the SEW Forums:

the whole PR / Linkage Game has changed. Just be careful how and where you buy PR these days. ... Last time I spoke to my friends from the plex, they where working on the ability to add - positive and negative weight to links depending on how they looked Via there GUI. ... I have never seen the GUI but from what I can gather it will highlight un natural areas on page, think about where most people put there sold links.

How is Google Fighting Artificial Link Manipulation?
A ton of ways...

  • Make SEO itself sound a bit sketchy.

  • Show bunk backlinks.
  • Not update PageRank.
  • Deweighting links from the same C block IP address range. (Google may also use WhoIs lookup data).
  • Manually penalize some sites for buying or selling PageRank...or for being in circles that make it seem like you are doing that.
  • Prevent certain sites from parsing outbound link popularity.
  • Automatically penalize sites for using the same link text too frequently.
  • Now they are potentially going to look for ways to not only devalue links, but also potentially make them have negative value based on abnormal linkage patterns.
  • They are also probably doing a bunch of other things I do not know of or forgot to list.

Anyone who does not believe in the power of link building should ask themselves why Google is putting so much effort into making it harder to do.
