MSN Search Beta 2 Open

MSN Search Tech Preview
MSN Search Beta is back up now. ...more pages, clean interface, sometimes cluster two results / site together in results, still working on the technology...
(thanks to Gary)

Andy Beal has more on the fake SEO forums (apparently he gets coppies of some of the messages the "moderators" are not posting)

Presidential way to watch the debates... but be aware the debates have problems. Also for as much money as the canidates are spending you would think they could market in AdWords? I know somebody who is marketing for one of them ;-)

Published: October 1, 2004 by Aaron Wall in msn


October 2, 2004 - 11:00pm

I just saw the greatest Adwords caption...

"Use link for buying only please"

Search for 'daily show book', and you'll see it, along with around 4 other affilate ads.

I clicked on it out of spite. I wonder if that statement actually works. I doubt it will once people see this post.

October 3, 2004 - 2:07am

>"Use link for buying only please"

that is a funny ad line. what type of product were they trying to sell?

October 3, 2004 - 8:07pm

You must have sent too much traffic to MSN Aaron as the beta search has been down for a while ;)

October 4, 2004 - 11:04am

>"Use link for buying only please"

sorry I was tired when I read that before...that is kinda funny. that has got to hurt the clickthrough rate a bit...not exactly compelling copy there

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