Free Link Analysis Tool

NickW is cooking up another scheme over at ThreadWatch.

Its a great link building idea for just about everyone involved.

He got sponsorship from Text Link Ads to build a link analysis tool that will be available free. Basically whatever features people want they will try to add it to the tool.

I already chimed in a few feature ideas, feel free to go over and say what you want.

Automated SEO Tools

I actually do not know tons about SEO automation stuff... have not really tried it. Here are some of the things I have read about

automated content generation:
cloaking (such as the stuff from Fantomaster)
traffic equalizer
rss equalizer
mixes like affiliate merchant feed + rss content+ ppc backfeed

automated link generation:
guestbook bots
blog comment bots
wiki bots
distributed link networks (such as the coop ad network)
think there are lots of things you can do with rss

I am sure there will also be lots of automation talking at the ThreadWatch SEO meeting...

feel free to comment anonymously with a fake email or whatever, but what automated tools on the market do you use and find helpful?

Digital Point's Cooperative Ad Network

Digital Point's Cooperative Ad Network:
Digital Point's Cooperative Ad Newtork is a powerful link exchange program. I believe sites participating in the network are assigned an ad weighting based upon traffic, PageRank, and number of pages number of pages indexed in Google. On your pages you place the code and random static text links pointing at other network sites magically appear. On other participating sites links to your site will randomly appear based upon your weighting. Many of the sites are community driven forums with thousands of pages so there is a ton of link popularity being parsed around.

Search Google for eBay and you will see Shawn ranking in the top 10. When asked about his eBay page Shawn stated:

Started monkeying with it about 5 weeks ago... Broke the top 10 a week after I started.

Coop Ad Network Rating as Currency:
The Coop Ad Network rating is actually becoming a currency...

Where there is Value...
When other people sign up under your account you gain added network credits. Some people are sending out affiliate link embedded emails recommending the coop ad network.

I haven't seen weight for sale on ebay, but I did get an email "reviewing" the ad network with someone's affiliate link in it. mattmdesign

Shawn replied to the thread saying that those who are spamming will be removed from the program.

Me Too:
The ad network has grown so popular that other cooperative networks such as have sprung up

The general take is, so long as it is trustworthy, the more the merrier. From a forum participant:

I just signed up as #47
It's a complete rip, but I couldn't care less...
Another network= More links

Is it a Link Farm?
More forum quotes:

I haven't used the co-op. there's no reason any sites will be penalized by participating it the network. what it does is to AUTOMATE a legitmate ad process.

Not possible because links are randomly picked. A link farm is a group of fixed links where linking partners have the same set of links.

Those are example quotes from supporters of the network. I think it is somewhat of a link farm in that there is absolutely no focus on relevancy. There still are some big holes in that ad program if it is to be sustainable.

No doubt that short term it has been amazingly successful for some, but at this point the network is something that is "above radar," and if search engines want to do something about it I am sure they can.

I think the community driven link partnership idea is a golden ticket though (it is essentially the AdSense of link building), and the first person who creates that type of network which is focused on relevancy will do exceptionally well. I do not think it is easy to be relevant without indexing and understanding the pages though, and that obviously much more expensive than the current network setups.

Another Link Building Program:
The community link building idea will continue to grow more popular over time. LinkItForward is another similar version of the community link idea. I have not tried out their network so I am uncertain as to how high of a quality the participating sites are, but with it you at least get to select who you are willing to link out to.

Questions Going Forward:
How do you build critical mass while focusing on relevancy? Is it possible? Any thoughts? If you were to start a community linking program what would you think would be important? Can you make a scalable community linking program that does not leave footprints?

Google Beats Geico in Court, Google Spam Filters, MSN Desktop, Google Library

Google vs Geico:
Huge news for many marketers, Google won.

U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema ruled that there was not enough evidence of trademark violation to bar Google from displaying rival insurers when computer users search the word "GEICO."

Search Engine Filiters:
Three was a good thread on SEW forums about search engine filters. A couple people defaced the original thread with useless garbage, but ThreadWatch's coverage is a great read.

Search Engine Strategies:
I was going to attend, but decided not to at the last minute...anyhow, if you want coverage RustyBrick is posting about many of the sessions here...he may not be blogging the event though ;)

GoogleGuy reviews a non-profit site: (really funny)

I'd recommend that he remove all links to these aggressive sites, and then send an email to us requesting reinclusion.

(found on ThreadWatch)

Google Suggest:
DaveN has opened up his scraper for public use.

MSN Desktop Search:
launched, & integrated into the MSN toolbar.

Search Stats:
ClickZ writes about a recent ComScore search survey

Of those consumers who converted on a trademark keyword, 91 percent did so after starting with a different term type. A full 80 percent started with a generic search term. Trademark searches, meanwhile, accounted for 20 percent of all online searches.

As for conversions, an estimated 92 percent of all computing and consumer electronics purchases occur offline. Meanwhile, 7 percent of conversions occur in the form of latent conversions. Only 1 percent of conversions occur in the same session online.

Google Library:
Google to digitize lots and lots of books...

Late to the Party:
Ask Jeeves desktop search

Brits Behind the Curve on Spam?
Nearly a quarter of all online UK consumers (23%) have purchased some form of goods or services from a spam email, according to new research. I wonder if thats why many of the UK SEOs are so good at what they do ;)

New Free SEO Tool, Spam Wars, New Google Media Search Patent

New Free SEO Tool:
Jim at WeBuildPages created a tool which shows the unique linking inboud domains. Currently I think the tool thinks and are two different sites, but I am sure Jim will have that fixed real quick-like...

The new link tool goes by the vapid name of WeBuildPages Tool #9. Hopefully Jim can get a bit more creative when he names any future tools he makes ;) ... I think #9 is a cool tool which will help at least a few webmasters save a good bit of time.

The Spam Wars
Chongq and the Spam Vampires (found on ThreadWatch)

What do Users Want in a Directory?:
this thread asks...

Sleezy Site Title of the Day:
"Make Your Millions with Vioxx"... that site offended many lawyers who were appearing in AdSense ads on it...they complained and, Google pulled the ads.

MSN Messenger:
It appears Chris Pirillo is none too impressed.

Google Patent for Searching Media:
Google could find a way to profit from Google news (and other media)... (found from MarketingVox)

Why Tim Bray thinks it competes well with encyclopedias.

Something Big is Coming?
Andy Beal says there is a big announcement tomorrow. MSN is sponsoring the Chicago SES which starts tomorrow. MSN also says they have a teleconference tomorrow (which starts at 10 a.m. PST)...wonder if thats all related or what the deal is...will know soon.

Tricks of the Trade:
Tips on how pros do their jobs just a little better. (found from Stephen Spencer's Scatterings)

Google Search Suggestion Tool, Spamming Google: a how to ;)

Spamming Google 101:
DaveN has created a new SEO blog. The early posts already have a few blog spam and page hijacking tips, and DaveN has comments open for all.

Google's Search Suggestion Tool:
Earlier Google released a search term suggestion tool which has already been reverse engineered.

Some people have discovered suggestion data via links like
which DaveN stated should be used as a proxy.

JasonD offered many helpful reverse engineering tips to asstute webmasters throughout the ThreadWatch comments.

A couple more tools which have came out from the Threadwatch thread...

Slashdot has a good long thread about Google Suggest as well.

Problems with the Google Search Suggest Tool:
If this tool ever made default it would help users search with longer queries (and thus more targeted searches), but it would artifically condense traffic patterns...thus making top keywords more expensive and static on both the free and advertising side of Google. The drop in ad supply would cause prices to shot up and encourage lots of click fraud. The other obvious problem with the Google search suggestion tool is that it suggests Eric Rice is a child molester, which is obviously uncool for Eric...

Amazing Posts 101:
NFFC asks what is the Best put down line in a forum setting....

My personal favorite is "I don't think there are any medications for being "honesty impaired", but that's something hes going to have to own up to."

Free C Class IP Block Checker, Google to Grow

Free Bulk C Block IP Checker Tool
Check to see if links are on the same C block IP address, free... cool tool
Thanks to Nick

AOL Europe Extends Partnership with Google

Google, which already provides AOL Europe with targeted advertisements, said its expanded multi-year arrangement will let it target the U.K., France and Germany. Source: CBS MarketWatch

Google to Gain MANY Advertisers?
Google is to announce quarterly results tomorrow, and while they refuse to make forcasts, they believe they will add 372,000 advertiser accounts over the next 4 years.

Google predicted that the number of advertiser accounts will jump from 280,000 this year to 378,000 in 2005, according to the documents. From 2004 to 2008, the number of accounts is expected to more than double to 652,050.

France and Trademarks
The French Overture keyword suggestion tool offers tips on trademarks

16 yr old says "let's sue Google"

Google Instant Messenger?
google_im:// protocol found in the Google desktop search.

Cloaking Q & A, Deep Link Ratio Tool, Untitled Document

AdSense Tool
SenseTool I have not tried it out, but it is free and looks neato...

a Q & A with Fantomaster

Backlink Update
Google did one yesterday.

Me Too:
the new Yahoo! Search sure looks familiar.

Deep Link Ratio:
When links develop naturally interior pages of a site acquire numerous links. Sites which have a ton of deep links usually have a broad range of refering websites and good traffic. This free deep link tool queries Yahoo! to look at the percentage of backlinks which are deep links.
(link from Tara via Danny)

Gary Stein talks about the keyword untitled (and gives my ebook a good review...thanks for that Gary).

I think something like Untitled Document or Untitled Page would be a cool name for an SEO firm.

Audio Clip:
I was on another marketing show recently. I feel weird being listed on sites with guys like Bob Bly or Jack Trout...I still have a ton of learning I need to do...luckily for me guys like those write awesome books I can read.

While peaking at Seth's blog recently I saw that Malcolm Gladwell has just wrote another book. <--- runs off to buy it...

If Blink is anything like The Tipping Point then it will probably be in my top 5 favorite books.

Keyword Tools, Cloaking

Keyword Permutator:
Another one hits the market... The Permutator costs $50 and has a free 10 day trial. (link found on Peter D's blog)

Persistence Pays Off ;-)
Chris Lee of Keywords Analyzer has sent me a nubmer of emails asking me to post about his software in my blog (and since I was mentioning other keyword software I finally remembered to). Keywords Analyzer is similar to AdWord Analyzer but with a few extra tweaks. Keyword Analyzer comes with a 90 day money back guarantee.

PPC competitive analysis software as a whole is going to become a huge market in the next 6 months to a year.

Social Computing Research:
From MSN: Wallop... link from Beal

Industrial Strength Cloaking
Briefly explained from Fantomaster

Cool Idea:
from Chris Ridings...he allows smaller search engine and directory reps to receive notifications when their search engine or directory are mentioned at SearchGuild.

Roll Your Own:
Tara Calishain created a searchroller tool which allows you to create bookmarks to search Yahoo! from any collection of websites or folders.

Price Per Word?
John Battelle has a graph showing PPC revenue trends.

SEO Book Price
I am raising it to $79 in about 10 minutes. I still need to do a bit of grammatical editing, but hopefully I will be able to do that over the weekend or early next week.

AdWord Tracker: New Google AdWords Tracking Tool

New AdWords Tool:
AdWord Tracker is a new tool which compares where some of your competitors ads are placed over time. Analyzing this data can help you find where some of the advertising sweet spots are (it is not always best to rank at #1). Additionally they collect data such as how many estimated impressions each advertiser is making and what words they are advertising for.

Example AdWord Tracker Date
For keyword phrases such as "flat screen TV" AdWord Tracker will give you:

Most of the keywords you may want to track are likely not going to be in the system off the start. You can sign up to add up to two phrases to the system though.

I am not sure how this data is collected or how accurate it is, but if it is anywhere near accurate then it is dirt cheap competitive analysis. I did not see anywhere on the site where it said specifically how / where it collected the data and if/how it could account for other bots and programs like itself which skew traffic numbers.

AdWord Tracker Price
AdWord Tracker will track a couple AdWords keywords for you for free off the start and then charges either $4.99 for 3 months, $14.99/year.

I have to try it out a bit to see how good it will be, but it could be a useful tool. Google may try to make this data harder to collect if they are collecting good data. Cheap keyword research...come and get it ;-)

I am going to ask the owner how he collects that data and whatnot.
