Google Search Suggestion Tool, Spamming Google: a how to ;)

Spamming Google 101:
DaveN has created a new SEO blog. The early posts already have a few blog spam and page hijacking tips, and DaveN has comments open for all.

Google's Search Suggestion Tool:
Earlier Google released a search term suggestion tool which has already been reverse engineered.

Some people have discovered suggestion data via links like
which DaveN stated should be used as a proxy.

JasonD offered many helpful reverse engineering tips to asstute webmasters throughout the ThreadWatch comments.

A couple more tools which have came out from the Threadwatch thread...

Slashdot has a good long thread about Google Suggest as well.

Problems with the Google Search Suggest Tool:
If this tool ever made default it would help users search with longer queries (and thus more targeted searches), but it would artifically condense traffic patterns...thus making top keywords more expensive and static on both the free and advertising side of Google. The drop in ad supply would cause prices to shot up and encourage lots of click fraud. The other obvious problem with the Google search suggestion tool is that it suggests Eric Rice is a child molester, which is obviously uncool for Eric...

Amazing Posts 101:
NFFC asks what is the Best put down line in a forum setting....

My personal favorite is "I don't think there are any medications for being "honesty impaired", but that's something hes going to have to own up to."

Published: December 11, 2004 by Aaron Wall in google seo tools seo tips


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