AdWord Tracker: New Google AdWords Tracking Tool

New AdWords Tool:
AdWord Tracker is a new tool which compares where some of your competitors ads are placed over time. Analyzing this data can help you find where some of the advertising sweet spots are (it is not always best to rank at #1). Additionally they collect data such as how many estimated impressions each advertiser is making and what words they are advertising for.

Example AdWord Tracker Date
For keyword phrases such as "flat screen TV" AdWord Tracker will give you:

Most of the keywords you may want to track are likely not going to be in the system off the start. You can sign up to add up to two phrases to the system though.

I am not sure how this data is collected or how accurate it is, but if it is anywhere near accurate then it is dirt cheap competitive analysis. I did not see anywhere on the site where it said specifically how / where it collected the data and if/how it could account for other bots and programs like itself which skew traffic numbers.

AdWord Tracker Price
AdWord Tracker will track a couple AdWords keywords for you for free off the start and then charges either $4.99 for 3 months, $14.99/year.

I have to try it out a bit to see how good it will be, but it could be a useful tool. Google may try to make this data harder to collect if they are collecting good data. Cheap keyword research...come and get it ;-)

I am going to ask the owner how he collects that data and whatnot.

Published: September 30, 2004 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


David Cox
December 5, 2004 - 6:50pm

I have tried and found the site to be very informative. It has taken a fair amount of time to understand all the data. I am new to adwords so getting a full view of the competition and what they are doing has been a great help. In promoting my site it has been very hard since the space I am working in is so competitive. This tool has given me some good views of the market place to learn what is happening. In addition the customer service has been great.

October 8, 2004 - 1:35am

Hi Aaron,
Thanks a lot for the posting about our product : adword tracker. Really appreciate on it. We got some good reviews and some queiries so far from the people signed up. We will be putting lot more features in the near future.

- Ben

October 8, 2004 - 1:50am

Hi Ben
make sure you post updates so we know what is going on. I also featured you as the tool of the week in my last newsletter, and there are a good # of subscribers to it.

best of luck with the tool :)

October 8, 2004 - 2:56am

Thanks for putting it in the news letter.
Where do I sign up for it. Could not find link on this page or your page.

- Ben

Jon Davis
June 9, 2006 - 7:59pm seems to no longer work. Any ideas?

October 8, 2004 - 2:57am

it is locked as the 5th post down on the home page.

June 10, 2006 - 12:34am
October 13, 2004 - 6:46pm

Thanks for all the emails you've sent us last week with your valuable comments.

We've released the next version of The major features are

1. A personalized page which you get once you log in.
To log in use your email address and password is 'welcome'.
Once log in please update your account settings using
'change account setting' link.
It will help us to do competitive analysis if you give
your URL. If you want to receive tracking-analysis
reports in email, you can also choose that in the same page

2. You can add up to 10 keywords for tracking. Use
the link 'Add adwords' from your 'my home' page.

3. New features which we are releasing soon :
a. Tracking for other search engines like Overture
b. More analysis reports

3. The free trial will be available for all the registered
members for another month. After that you can choose
a quarterly plan for $14.99 or yearly plan for $39.99.

4. We will soon change the domain name from AdwordTracker
to This is how we came up with the name:

Maximizing ROI on Adwords => Max-Ad-Words => Max-Word-Ads => MaxWad

As always we will appreciate any feedback you send
us on the new features. Let us know if you want
some more features to be added in the tool which
is not there presently

Ben Support team

November 19, 2004 - 3:54am


We've released the new version of the AdArchiver(formerly AdWordTracker)
product with lots of features. Thanks for all the feedback you've
given in the last month which really helped us to fine-tune our product.

The objective is to give you all the data/analysis you need about your keywords/Ads/competitors/target markets etc.

The key features in this release are

1. Inclusion of Ad Headline and Ad Body info along with other info
of an ad.
2. Tracking Ads that are consistent which repeat day after day for
your set of keywords.
3. What are the Ads getting High CTR in your target market
4. What are the URLs getting good CTR
5. Tracking Destination URL and Affiliate URLs for ads
6. You can track maximum of 50 keywords now during free trial for 2 weeks
and after that it will be paid subscription. We've also added a 200
keyword tracking option. for details please check our website.
7. You can update/modify keywords list anytime
8. Daily Email Updates with intelligent analysis of your keyword tracking data

.... and lot of other features...

We have changed our domain name to from
The earlier domain will soon be inactive.

You we are allowing 50 keywords during free trial lasting 2 weeks.

Check it out and please let us know at in case you've trouble accessing
the web site

AdArchiver Team

October 20, 2004 - 8:08pm

We changed our domain name to from We did not to want Google's trademark'ed 'adword' in the domain name

- Ben

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