More Changes at Google...

Algorithm Change
Around September 23rd many webmasters stated they lost a bunch of their traffic from Google.

Google to Change Their Way of Rewarding Linkage Data?
DaveN is a fairly well respected SEO who recently made the following statements at the SEW Forums:

the whole PR / Linkage Game has changed. Just be careful how and where you buy PR these days. ... Last time I spoke to my friends from the plex, they where working on the ability to add - positive and negative weight to links depending on how they looked Via there GUI. ... I have never seen the GUI but from what I can gather it will highlight un natural areas on page, think about where most people put there sold links.

How is Google Fighting Artificial Link Manipulation?
A ton of ways...

  • Make SEO itself sound a bit sketchy.

  • Show bunk backlinks.
  • Not update PageRank.
  • Deweighting links from the same C block IP address range. (Google may also use WhoIs lookup data).
  • Manually penalize some sites for buying or selling PageRank...or for being in circles that make it seem like you are doing that.
  • Prevent certain sites from parsing outbound link popularity.
  • Automatically penalize sites for using the same link text too frequently.
  • Now they are potentially going to look for ways to not only devalue links, but also potentially make them have negative value based on abnormal linkage patterns.
  • They are also probably doing a bunch of other things I do not know of or forgot to list.

Anyone who does not believe in the power of link building should ask themselves why Google is putting so much effort into making it harder to do.

Published: September 29, 2004 by Aaron Wall in google


Martin Castro
September 29, 2004 - 3:39pm

Aaron, do you really think that google is using
WhoIs lookup data? Which information about the lookup data? You mean that google looks the IP number of the Name Servers ?


September 29, 2004 - 3:45pm

some of my SEO friends have told me that they have seen networks of sites that were conected ONLY by whois data all get penalized.

Martin Castro
September 29, 2004 - 4:30pm

Aaron, your SEO friends, have networks of site with the same IP number for the Name Servers ?


September 29, 2004 - 4:38pm

if they all had the same IP addresses then they would not be connected ONLY by Whois data.

Martin Castro
September 29, 2004 - 4:47pm

So Google, perhaps looks the contact name of the domain? and not only the IP number of the nameservers?


September 29, 2004 - 4:50pm


September 29, 2004 - 5:11pm

Giving negative value to certain unnatural links looks like it's a call for abuse. Someone might try to create such links to a competitors website in order to destroy that sites ranking. On the other hand, Google might consider this as a neccessary casualty in the war on search engine spam. With my German language site I didn't yet notice the algorithm change, but German serps have been about four weeks late after Florida too.

September 29, 2004 - 6:49pm

"Manually penalize some sites for buying or selling PageRank...or for being in circles that make it seem like you are doing that."

This can not be true. There are many many many websites that have reciprocal link building systems that did not loose PR or positions. The same goes for many many many websites that sell advertising links with PR as a base of the price of the link.

It seems that these kind of things are too much opinionated.

September 29, 2004 - 6:49pm

"Manually penalize some sites for buying or selling PageRank...or for being in circles that make it seem like you are doing that."

This can not be true. There are many many many websites that have reciprocal link building systems that did not loose PR or positions. The same goes for many many many websites that sell advertising links with PR as a base of the price of the link.

It seems that these kind of things are too much opinionated.

September 29, 2004 - 6:54pm

"This can not be true. There are many many many websites that have reciprocal link building systems that did not loose PR or positions. The same goes for many many many websites that sell advertising links with PR as a base of the price of the link."

they need not do all (because they can't_...they only need to do a few to really mess up a few business models. I have been told from multiple sources that they have seen it happened.

September 29, 2004 - 7:38pm

I suspect this 'gui' is nothing more than a web browser.

Too much fluff and nonsense out there.

if($sandbox > "6 months or so"){

$messagetonewbusiness="dont use seo, buy adwords";
$seo="slow death";

What gets me in our business, is that we do their investigative work for them. We theorise and debate in public and say stuff like "I think Ive thought of a great way to spam spam and spam"

Not very bright if you ask me.

September 29, 2004 - 8:58pm

>With my German language site I didn't yet notice the algorithm change

Is it a .de domain?

>I suspect this 'gui' is nothing more than a web browser.

I'm thinking browser that can also show connectivity, very powerful tool for hand to hand combat.

September 29, 2004 - 11:45pm

>I'm thinking browser that can also show connectivity, very powerful tool for hand to hand combat

I dunno, not sure if i buy it.

But..who knows :)

September 30, 2004 - 10:54am

I'm wondering if the reported loss of traffic is related to the "panic indexing" of the web, reported hereat SEW:

The loss of traffic being for sites that have not been properly indexed within the timescale of building the new index. The fact that someone in the WMW thread you linked to reported only serving public service ads, IMO, helps enforce this perception.


September 30, 2004 - 2:21pm

Aaron, so we must buy privacy at the domain registrant to not show the Whois data, so google can’t catch us… :)

September 30, 2004 - 2:24pm

"Aaron, so we must buy privacy at the domain registrant to not show the Whois data, so google can’t catch us… :)"

if you are intending to be overtly deceptive and heavily cross linked I would, but most site owners do not need to do that.

September 30, 2004 - 7:26pm

I never do cross link, it's only a comment.

Thanks and regards

October 1, 2004 - 2:33am

"Deweighting links from the same C block IP address range. (Google may also use WhoIs lookup data)."

I have always thought that Google maintained their own internal DNS and lookup information. How they arrive at this internal index I do not have a clue.

Google does crawl by IP address. I know this because I changed a live site over once, from a .com TLD to .net. It took about 3 months before that change propogated into the Google lookup and was reflected in the SERPS. The results showed the newly crawled content, but when clicked on, it took you to the .com site (not the .net).

My point being is that they probably have maintenance that goes thru its own set of checks and tracking methods internally, and not be reliant on outside influences. Chances are this is one of the reasons of the "sandbox" theory, but more involved than that -- the process, whatever it is, takes almost 3 months to purge whether it is new or just updated information.

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