Dreamhost: Free Advertorial

So Nick recently sold me ThreadWatch. While transferring the site there was an issue with my account settings. At about 230am I sent a help request into Dreamhost. By 3am a Dreamhost rep called me up and sorted it out.

They don't normally do call backs on the graveyard shift, but the guy hooked me up. I just wanted to give them a bit of free marketing for having kick ass customer service.

Published: November 30, 2005 by Aaron Wall in internet


December 1, 2005 - 4:53am

hey, I see all the black hat type sites spamming Dreamhost too ;-)

December 1, 2005 - 2:13pm

Congrats on your new acquisition... i didn't follow for a couple of days due to being very busy and kinda freaked to see your email address on a Threadwatch thread update notification :-) I only wonder how you can find the time to run so much stuff at once?

December 6, 2005 - 8:01pm

Aw, Aaron, did you not know you could actually monetize usign this advertorial if only you modified the link to Dreamhost a bit like described here: http://www.dreamhost.com/rewardsmoreinfo.html ? Just came across it - otherwise I would have told you sooner ;-)

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