Interview of Tim Converse, MSN Search Beta Rank Checker, Google Grants Amnesty

For the Search Geek in YOU:
An Interview with Tim Converse (of Yahoo! Search) he talks about getting rid of "spam" via content classification.

For the Rank Cheker in You:
MSN Search Beta Rank Checker (found from SEW Blog)

Amnesty International:
Google Grants Lots0's sites amnesty for giving Google some hijacking examples.

Lots0:I don't think that is unreasonable to ask for a guarantee that the domains will not be banned or penalized because of THIS issue. I understand that other issues may still cause a ban or penalty and I never asked for a domain to NEVER be penalized/banned (would be nice though), I would just like to see some type of assurance on this issue.

GoogleGuy:Sure, I'll promise that no spam-related action will be taken based on the reports. If months later, the domain comes up for review for an unrelated reason, then that's a different matter, but I'll instruct whoever collects the feedback to only use it to check out how we pick canonical pages.

by the way, here is the cool official Amnesty International site.

Published: December 2, 2004 by Aaron Wall in internet


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