Pre Sell Pages - a Better Way to Rent Sitewide Links

Not a new concept to SEO or marketing here, but it is not talked about that often as compared to other linking techniques.

Instead of buying sitewide links it may be better to buy an advertising pages hosted on other sites. Link to that page from many pages on that same site (which in a sense is like pointing a sitewide link on that site at that advertising page). Link popularity flows more naturally within a domain than it does across domains.

Write the pre sell page using appropriate page title, header, and subheaders. From the pre sell page deep link to various locations on your site with descriptive anchor text.

If you make the pre sell page well and the site you are advertising on is strong enough it gives you another opportunity to rank well. In fact, if your market is exceptionally competitive the authority of the site you are advertising on may allow that page to rank even if your site is not strong enough to rank.

By placing pre sell pages you do not need to worry about getting dinged for having too many (or too high of a percentage) of sitewide links with similar anchor text.

Some people also link off to other authoritative sites on their pre sell pages to help cluster their site in with other related resources.

It is common in affiliate marketing for affiliates to host pages on their sites which warm up prospective clients prior to selling supplies on another site. If done correctly pre sell pages can have a positive effect on both conversion and SEO.

Buying Links to Ban, Discount Directory Submission, Competition Equalizer

Buying Links to Ban a Competing Site:
Rumour has it that with the latest Google update a few people have started in on this practice...buying sitewide keyword rich links to help their competitors get blacklisted...surely SEO is going to get a bit more ugly here soon ;)

Directory Submission:
150 directories for $99. Not that long ago the price was $30 so there must be decent demand.

I tried the 50 blog for $10 package for a few sites a while ago, but something about that price makes me feel like the service quality has to be limited.

Price points also help people associate a value with the service, so even if the service is decent the person doing it should charge more to make people think they are getting something of value, which generally appears not to be the case right now.

I do a good bit of directory submissions from time to time. I usually submit to about the same number of directories as that package except I do both free and paid directories. I do not mind paying for links because it means that the directory is more likely to have a functional business model and the links will not go away as quick.

Directory registration is exceptionally effective in MSN and Yahoo! right now.

Competition Equalizer:
other than having a different name what the hell does this software do that AdWords Analyzer does not? Wouldn't it have been better to release any additional AdWords related features as an upgrade to the AdWords Analyzer program?

Google Caught Cloaking, More NYC SES Review

You say Potato, I say Cloaktato:
Google caught cloaking?

More SES Coverage:
from the man with yellow shoes.

Tim Mayer at the Indexing Summit

Tim then brings up a remarkable new tagging system that Yahoo! is proposing and would like to see the other engines support. It's a method to specify the separate content blocks of a page, so the search engines don't need to conduct block-level analysis in their algorithms. The tags look like this:

  • <div class="content-public"> </div> - indicating the content is publicly created and not monitored by the site owner
  • <div class="content-nav"> </div> - indicating that this is internal navigation content for the site
  • <div class="content-default"> </div> - indicating that this is the primary content area of the page
  • Tim notes that these tags can also be applied to link attributes.
  • Link Building

    Matt Cutts say that just because a link is shown in the link command doesn't mean it carries any weight at all

    Greg Boser on Advanced Link Building

    Greg calls the sandbox, the "litter box" and suggests that websites that stick out as being over-optimized will generally fall into the trap. He says that in order to bypass it, he simply builds a subdomain on an existing and well-ranking site, then 301 re-directs to the new URL. He warns against getting too granular for subdomains and says to try to use a general domain rather than a specifically themed site.

    ROI Testing is a new bid management / ROI tracker tool in beta test created by MakeMeTop.

    The Best SEO Tip is to Do Nothing? or maybe not...

    The Best SEO Tactic is to do Nothing at all?

    Not true. Google may be slow to rank a site. They may even temporarily or permanently dump websites for aggressive promotion.

    While many people are still stuck on the mindset that Google is search, there are many other sources of traffic. Some sites get banned by Google and lose less than 10% of their traffic.

    MSN and Yahoo! are fairly easy to manipulate right now, and Google can only throw out a limited amount of baby with the bathwater before their search results become irrelevant - causing them to lose market share.

    When Google talks about how PageRank uses the uniquely democratic web blah blah blah... they fail to mention how they sometimes are willing to dump a million websites to plug a hole. There is nothing democratic about that.

    Many of the people who are going after algorithmic exploits are focused on conversion. If a site has a 30-40% conversion rate there is no legitimate way a search engine can state that they filtered it out to provide a good user experience.

    Yahoo! and MSN seem to understand that. Google seems a bit behind the curve on that concept though.

    Google got ahead because they placed user experience ahead of profit. As they twist about figuring out how to extract profits from the value they created - they should recognize why and how they built that wealth - and realize it is just as easy to lose it.

    How do I Become an SEO?

    This year was my third SES conference. I think while eating lunch 2 of the 4 days people described my ebook and site to me without knowing I was me, which must mean I am getting a good bit of market saturation. :)

    Many of the people who talked to me at past SES events either were SEOs or wanted to know how to hire one. Recently my inbox and at SES a much higher percent of my inqueries were people asking "how do I become an SEO?"

    I have been a bit of a branding whore so it would seem that over time I would get more questions like that, but I think a ton of people have recently been entering the SEO market. The Google IPO and the like brought many new faces to the field.

    Some companies are still out to lunch though. The last day of the conference I met a person who read my ebook and wanted to chat. He was the single employee webmaster / programmer / backend database / web marketer for a few nationwide stores which were doing over $5,000,000 a year in sales from one of the websites.

    It would make sense that a person working on salary doing all that work may want to go it alone. If I were him I would.

    The general things I think that can help people who want to jump into doing SEO are:

    • Start a site about something that interests you. Get involved in that community.

    • Your first site may totally suck. Mine did. and the second and third did too... the beauty of the web is that nothing is permanent and you rapidly learn from your mistakes.
    • Do not be afraid to be wrong or make a mistake.
    • Go after a niche. A large part of the reasons my first site sucked was because I was a bad writer and bad designer. An equally large reason my early sites sucked was because they were too broad in scope.
    • If you are unsure of how to niche out your idea look for feedback from blogs and forums and Google Groups. If you do create a large site you will be able to break out many of the ideas into their own smaller sites.
    • Build content on that site using a regular human voice. Try to build an audience by participating in other communities.

    • Within any channel or site limit the number of choices you give people to make it easy for them to do what you want them to. If you have another product idea or target audience you may want to set up another website to sell it.
    • Read a ton of literature about topics that interest you. If you know a ton about a topic it is far easier to crank out a ton of content about it.
    • Subscribe to RSS feeds of topical blogs.
    • Don't worry about keyword density. Write pages that are focused on usability and conversion. Use headings, subheadings, and the like to work the appropriate words into the content.
    • Use descriptive anchor text. Use many variations.
    • If you sell SEO services most people who want to buy SEO services want services which can not be done at the prices they are willing to pay unless you do things that will damage their brand. Stay away from bad customers. If you can create passive income streams they will pay you just as much as bad customers do while requiring far less work.
    • It is better to have a few strong partnerships than to spread yourself too thin working for a ton of customers. A good way to find some customers might be to talk to local merchants you know and trust and do profit share partnerships with them.
    • Price points target your audience. If you are the cheapest on the market you will find the people who can't afford good products or are not interested in fully committing. About 5 months ago I doubled the price of my ebook and get less refund requests and customers who are more serious and more friendly.

    Once you understand how to do well within one social network on the web you can parallel that to other fields that may interest you.

    Press Releases: Spam Alley

    From Dan Thies new blog

    The online PR thing is automated and all these press releases end up archived somewhere, with link popularity passed on indefinitely (maybe). But it's only a matter of time before the PR wire turns into total spam, isn't it? I can see it now, we'll see days with press release titles like:

    Why would an SEO Company create an arbitrary press release to inform the world of his clients keywords.

    Would you want your SEO company to use your niche keywords as an excuse to promote themselves?

    Maybe tucked away on their sites, in a testimonial or corner somewhere, with a link to your site, but not something you should be reading Fresh off the news wire!!! hehehe

    Press releases are an easy way to dominate news search results, and I have even had some rank well in regular Google search results (part of the reason they can rank well is because some of the PR sites have a solid base authority level).

    I sometimes use PRWeb to submit them.

    A Few New SEO Blogs

    Some of these might not be exactly new, but just new to me, but hey may as well list them...

    Key Words - new blog on SitePoint by Dan Thies
    SEO Shed - newish SEO blog. I think it is done by Sebastian from SEW forums.
    SMART Keywords Blog - newish SEO blog. I think it is done by AussieWebmaster who is a moderator at SEW forums.

    Hopefully I will have time to update the big list of SEO Blogs soon. I think the list is getting up near 5 pages. There are a bunch of us.

    Creating Multiple Similar Pages: Is it Search Engine Spam?

    Answering a question from SEW Forums

    Q: My question is, with this # of links to the same form is it better to save the form with different file extensions or to have all links all going to the same form?

    A: I think a large part of the potential problem is intent, which may not be clear and easy for robots and editors alike to be able to understand. If you do go the multi page route you do not necissarily need to optimize those pages ... just get enough link popularity into your site and those pages should rank well. Plus you can pull that data from a database right? [added: ensure you create content which clearly conveys its purpose]

    I think another thing you need to look at is the user of your site. If they land on those contact forms or whatever, do those pages provide enough info to actually convert?

    Many well known SEOs recommend creating various pages for slightly difference audience and query types, but you want to keep the end user in mind.

    If the search engines did not exist people would still

    • create similar documents targeted at different personality types and different motivators / personal triggers

    • create similar documents with different marketing strategies to target different consumer bases
    • create similar documents in different languages or with slang to target different people

    The myth of the single ideal searcher or web user is just that: a myth

    Deep Links?

    Some SEOs I have spoke with have seen sites that had many deep links do exceptionally well in this past Google update. One of them recommended having at least a 2 to 1 ratio of deep links to links pointing at the root URL. This of course makes the SEO process far more expensive, but should make the results far more stable than just building links to your home page would.

    Do you build many deep links?
    Have you noticed a similar pattern with the sites doing well in this Google update?
    Do you have any tips for maximizing your deep link ratio?

    Site Wide Links?

    Jarrod Hunt recently stated

    My observations show that those with a low percentage of unique backlinks when compared to the total # of backlinks are doing very poorly in these updates.

    Many SEO experts I have been talking with prefer to host a presell page on the other site which is linked to from every page on that site. They then make that page sematically related to their site and link that page to various related pages on their site. Some people are also even throw a few other links to authority sites on those pages.

    I believe at Chicago SES Jon Glick stated that each site only gives 1 vote. Algorithms such as Google's Hilltop also deweight nepotistic links. If search engines only want to count 1 vote per site or related site owner why not make that vote as strong as it can possibly be?

    Do you still get many sitewide links? What is your prefered method to build links?
