Google Caught Cloaking, More NYC SES Review

You say Potato, I say Cloaktato:
Google caught cloaking?

More SES Coverage:
from the man with yellow shoes.

Tim Mayer at the Indexing Summit

Tim then brings up a remarkable new tagging system that Yahoo! is proposing and would like to see the other engines support. It's a method to specify the separate content blocks of a page, so the search engines don't need to conduct block-level analysis in their algorithms. The tags look like this:

  • <div class="content-public"> </div> - indicating the content is publicly created and not monitored by the site owner
  • <div class="content-nav"> </div> - indicating that this is internal navigation content for the site
  • <div class="content-default"> </div> - indicating that this is the primary content area of the page
  • Tim notes that these tags can also be applied to link attributes.
  • Link Building

    Matt Cutts say that just because a link is shown in the link command doesn't mean it carries any weight at all

    Greg Boser on Advanced Link Building

    Greg calls the sandbox, the "litter box" and suggests that websites that stick out as being over-optimized will generally fall into the trap. He says that in order to bypass it, he simply builds a subdomain on an existing and well-ranking site, then 301 re-directs to the new URL. He warns against getting too granular for subdomains and says to try to use a general domain rather than a specifically themed site.

    ROI Testing is a new bid management / ROI tracker tool in beta test created by MakeMeTop.

    Published: March 7, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


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