Friday. July. Yippie.

Whether you like Omega Watches or hate horses hopefully this post will have something for you. :)

Dr. Garcia
Greg Jarboe

Keyword Locator:
A while ago I did a review of keyword locator, and did not plug in my account details for logging into AdWords. The people from Keyword Locator probably should have mentioned this somewhere.

I played tennis with the roommate yesterday. He gave me this gem of a compliment:

For as fat as you are, you sure are mobile.

For Sale...or Maybe Not:
Recently someone offered me $7,000 for this domain because they wanted to help drive traffic to another SEO related domain.

They think they have the best SEO domain possible, but in an industry generally lacking in credibility the domain name is far less important than what links and other people say about it.

It's Crazy:
That MicroSoft would even consider buying Claria / Gator and their bad karma.

The Point of Diminishing Returns:
WSJ has an article about how Google is running into roadblocks with many of their vertical searches (ex: video search, news search, library search)

Every Search Engine & Their Dogs:
are releasing new products.

  • recently A9, Yahoo!, & Google released or updated maps or map APIs.

  • Yahoo! recently launched a subscription search. Google is rumoured to be readying the same.
  • AOL is launching a new video search, Google recently made a video search player, and some copyright works were found within Google video.
  • Google and Yahoo! both recently upgraded their personalized search services, and Yahoo! made theirs social as well.
Published: July 1, 2005 by Aaron Wall in internet


July 1, 2005 - 6:33pm

Regarding Google subscription search -

"Premium content will be indexed and tagged as paid, and will be displayed in a special content area on the right side of Google's search results underneath the AdSense advertising links."

If this is true, who would want to pay Google to put links *underneath* the growing pile of PPC adverts?

July 1, 2005 - 6:39pm

>If this is true, who would want to pay Google to put links *underneath* the growing pile of PPC adverts?

Presumably the partnership would be free, Google might pay for some of it, or it would only charge a fee to the publisher if people subscribed.

More likely there will be different levels of partnerships. Google will likely use the various placements on their SERPs to encourage certain partnerships that work favorably with Google's longterm outlook and core mission or making profits from organizing the world's information supply.

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