HitWise Launches Keyword Intelligence - a New Keyword Research Tool

HitWise launches a new keyword research tool by the name of Keyword Intelligence.

Keyword Intelligence data is based on Hitwise’s sample of over 25 million home, work and educational Internet users worldwide and how these people use specific search terms across all search engines to find products and services online.

HitWise has partnerships with various ISPs and search services to track search and clickthrough data. Some of their products are a bit pricey for small webmasters (I believe starting at around $25,000 a year). The Keyword Intelligence offering looks like an attempt to break into the mid to lower market.

Keyword Intelligence has two different subscription plans starting at $90 and $190 a month. It allows you to subscribe to geographic markets and categories and do keyword research from there.

Thanks to Warren Duff for pointing me at Keyword Intelligence.

Published: May 6, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


March 14, 2007 - 11:48pm

Has anyone tried Keyword intelligence yet to see how it fares?

Is it any better than Yahoo, Google, Nichebot, Keyword Discovery or Wordtracker?

It's certainly the most expensive of them all. Most of the competitors that aggregate data appear to use small samples that may not accurately reflect the 90%+ of all searches done via Google, Yahoo and MSN.

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