Usability, Syndication, Spam, & Open Source

On the Usability Front:
The Biggest Web Design Mistakes of 2004
Steve Krug Interview (found on Web Words)

On the Syndication Front:
I finally added syndication buttons to the site :) thanks to Andy Hagans for making them.
Why Bloglines Sold: It's Not a Business

On the Spam Front:
Pfizer Inc. and Microsoft Corp. teamed up to target e-mail spammers who peddle phony Viagra

On the Open Source Front:
Ask Jeeves may want to open source their desktop search, may create a browser
Google may host Wikipedia. This artilce states they may want to control the information to block other search engines. I seriously doubt it, I think they are smart enough to do it for good karma points alone.
Is MSN Dying?

Published: February 13, 2005 by Aaron Wall in internet


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