Where to Submit Internet or Marketing Articles Free

Articles as links The fundamental base of the internet is not the page, but the link. A great way to accumulate links is to write articles and submit them to places interested in quality articles. Where do I submit articles in my field? Some places will accept articles automatically and some require editorial approval. If you know your industry well you should know some places that accept articles. I know within the search engine field I can submit articles to sites like Lil Engine, ISEDB, SearchGuild, and a variety of others.

Where do I submit general articles? There are also sites which take general articles such as Idea Marketers, Buzzle, Ebooks n Bytes, Article Central. The list goes on and on.

How do articles give me links? When you write articles for free you are typically given a by-line or author bio which you can link to your website.

How long should my articles be? Typically it is a good idea to review the editorial guidelines of websites before submitting articles. Most sites like articles around 600 to 900 words since the internet is a quick medium. Some sites like articles up to 1500 to 2000 words so they can split up the content to show more ads. Reading a few articles from the site should give you an idea what they are looking for.

Article resource location tips: A good tip to finding more might be to search for the name of a search engine copywriter. Karon Thackton is found on over 1,000 documents!

In addition to searching out people in your field you may want to use some of the Yahoo Announcement Groups and other article resources. Feel free to submit article resource locations in the comments :)

Submiting articles to Ezines is not something I generally do. I find that if you write an ok article and submit it to a few of these places people will just pick you up. You want to be careful about seeming spamy when trying to submit articles to ezines. A few good Ezine lists would be Ezine Universe, Topica, the Ezine Directory

Additional article resources from Jeremy Gossman are listed below.


Yahoo Announcement Groups


Eventually if you do a good enough job with your articles people who syndicate your artilces will have those same articles syndicated from there! Here is another small list of Ezine directories.

<update>here are a few more sites you can submit articles to:

Here is another free XLS articles checksheet which shows over 70 sites where you can submit articles. Thanks Zoran

[update: here is more article submission locations]


The search for "Google Sells Christmas" will show you that about 40 web pages reference my second article. Before I wrote those articles my site was not popular, now it kinda is.

You can also look at content provider networks in DMOZ or the Yahoo! Directory.

Also a while ago somebody spammed me trying to promote "marketing blaster" and "search engine geek." If people publish articles that were sent to them via spam then odds are they will likely want to publish your articles too, so you may want to search for a few variations of those names such as "marketing blaster" or "marketingblaster."

Published: January 27, 2004 by Aaron Wall in internet


January 29, 2008 - 11:14am


If I submit the same article to more than one site, and it is accepted by more than one site, am I creating duplicate content issue? Does it matter?


January 29, 2008 - 11:37am

As long as it is not on your site the duplication probably should not hurt you too much.

For most search engines I believe the link graph is scored separately from most stages of duplication detection. PageRank is computed offline, and many stages of duplication detection and removal occur after the search query, when the primary set of results are returned, and prior to filtering and result re-ranking.

July 21, 2008 - 8:33pm

Hey Aaron,

I keep hearing about Article Announcer and how good it is. It sounds to good to be true and super expensive. Do you know much about it by any chance?


June 5, 2009 - 3:23pm

Recently I heard a lot about duplicate content issue for articles. Its not possible to create so much articles for these directories. What do you suggest.

June 18, 2009 - 12:01am

What do you mean it's not possible to create so much articles for directories?

So what's the true about article submission vs duplicate content?

June 18, 2009 - 1:15am

Hi Banar. This article was many years old, so advice in the forums is far more up to date. Essentially if you are submitting an article to 3rd party general article databases then no problem if the articles are duplicate of each other. But generally it is best not to have duplicate content in your own articles...meaning that you wouldn't want to syndicate an article you posted to your site onto many article directories as well.

June 28, 2009 - 10:21pm

Thank you Aaron, your help is appreciated every day.

August 11, 2010 - 3:43pm

Hello Aaron, thank you for all this helpful information. I wanted to ask you something on regards to article submission.
What is better technique?
1) Write a 600 or 800 words article in Ezinearticles.com and then post that same article in 25 different others article engines


2) Write a 600 to 800 words article in Ezinearticles.com and then go into 25 other article engines and forums and write like a 50 to 100 words paragraph linking to the Ezinearticles.com article that you posted.

My question is because in number one you are exposed to duplicate content since you are submitting the same duplicated content to 25 different article engines as opposed to number two you are writing the article only once and then having 25 other reputed article engines linking to you.

I should be starting my account with SEO Book by the beginning of next month, in the meantime I want to start doing my first steps in the right direction.

Thank you for your help and response Aaron.

August 12, 2010 - 12:16pm

If you value a personalized response with information that will help you grow your business then I recommend you ask that question in our member forums.

We might answer some general questions on the blog, but prefer not to give strategic advice on the 1 to 1 level for free. If we did that then how could we justify charging our customers for the same thing? Hope that makes sense.

Nikki May
August 25, 2010 - 7:17am

I have come across conficting points of view about the best article directory, in terms of SEO, for submitting articles. Would you have any ideas or recommendations on this? Thanks in advance.

June 24, 2013 - 7:52am

Thanks for the list.
You forgot to include my favourite site that is http://largearticle.com.
largearticle is a dofollow seo friendly article directory with a pagerank of 2.
When my article gets published ,it is indexed within 1 minute in google search engine.
Also Review process takes less than 2 days.

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