Google Site Flavored Search

ChrisG mentions that Google's site flavored search automatically suggests categories for websites, and that generally it has spot on results.

I am sure it is only a small sample of what Google's technologies do, but it is interesting nonetheless, and it may tell you what Google thinks of your site as well as help you think of related categorical sites to get links from. Maybe it would also be a good way for a small new directory owner to grab a unique category structure for their site?

On a side note, apparently Google has no idea what Black Hat SEO is...

Published: January 10, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google technology


January 10, 2005 - 3:26pm

Apparently, Google Site-Flavored Search doesn't know what Yahoo! is either...!

January 10, 2005 - 3:44pm

>Google Site-Flavored Search doesn't know what Yahoo! is either

I think they do not recognize that site in least I can pretend and help feed the frenzy ;)

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