SEO Tip: Submitting Press Releases to Help Search Engine Optimization

With the growing commercial nature of the web it is becoming harder to get quality one way inbound links without spending a fortune. By submitting free or cheap press releases you can build link equity without spending a ton of money.

Many people do recommend donating to PR Web to help your PR get quicker handling and a better rotation.

"For $80 your release is also included in the Yahoo! FeatureExpress program where the full release is published under the domain.

For B2B client releases that are keyword optimized, you can expect 20,000 - 60,000 page views in the first two weeks. For B2C clients it's higher, as much as 190,000." - from Lee Odden of TopRank Online Marketing

There are also a bunch of smaller press release sites on the web. Please submit any press release sites you find useful to this posting by clicking on the your evil Happy Thoughts Link.

Don't worry, be happy! (cartoon is worth playing at least twice) A few smaller press release sites that were listed are:

Published: May 12, 2004 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


December 6, 2007 - 3:37am

I know it's a slightly old post but hey. Thought you might be interested in a free press release site I operate -


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