Search Twitter in Realtime, and Get Free(ish) Content

Summize is a conversational search engine which allows you to search Twitter in realtime. Useful for finding customer feedback even when people do not provide it directly to you. For example, I just found out that for some people the Rank Checker Firefox extension stopped working after the last update. So I just reverted the extension and am awaiting another update from the developer. Summize offers RSS feeds so you can track conversations mentioning your brands and/or important topics.

Summize offers an API which can be used to generate free content for your sidebar if you publish Mahalo-like content, though that is a bit spammy. ;)

Published: April 30, 2008 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


Dave Keffen
April 30, 2008 - 1:09pm

Very handy link Aaron - thanks.

May 1, 2008 - 5:16am

This is a real good info. I like your blog, you truly provide up to date info for your readers. I am enjoying it.

The Summize site you introduced is cool.

Gamy Rachel

May 14, 2008 - 6:41am

Interesting idea.

I am amazed how twitter is really taking off now that some of the top bloggers figured out that it can drive them traffic. For me I just like to follow those people a couple times a day.

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