Effectively & Profitably Recycling Content

Many people are recycling and reformatting various ideas to promote them in lists of top 10 xyz's. The problem with formatting them as such is that one can get similar from going to Del.icio.us or StumbleUpon. If you add context to your page, and state why the top 10 things are the best your page is much more linkworthy.

Images and formatting matter if you are recycling. Link lists are not as linkworthy as they were a few years ago.

Another tip for formatting link lists: if you have a blog on your site you are better off putting your linkworthy content on the blog. Many people check trackbacks. If you talk about them from a static page you have less of a chance of them finding you. If you talk about them on your blog you have another chance for them to find you.

Published: April 5, 2007 by Aaron Wall in marketing publishing & media


April 6, 2007 - 8:30am

You are right. Sometimes it is just easier to create something good while it is quite wasy to reformat, what was done previously. Man thinks like:"I got 25 links with this post, so I will just change it a little bit and I will get another 25". It can work very well if somebody is famous in some comminity.

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