See Google PageRank and Anchor Text of Your Inbound Links

Joost de Valk emailed me about a Firefox Greasemonkey extension webmasters can use with Google's Webmaster Tools to see the PageRank and anchor text of inbound links.

The tool is fast, and does a good job of showing you how well you have been mixing your inbound anchor text, but you need to be using Firefox with Greasemoney installed to see the information. Greasemonkey extensions are easy to make, especially if you read Dive inot Greasemonkey.

Published: March 13, 2007 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


March 16, 2007 - 3:02pm

Aaron, Thanks for the notice. This is a great tool. I can see now that my external linking is a real mess. All different kinds of anchor text, some of it is pretty dumb, like the word "web" separated from the word "site". And I see clearly what pages are being linked at, revealing more areas for improvement.

Joost, Any idea of how I could download all of this good information, similar to the Google buttons at the bottom of the page, but with the anchor text? I really should sort this all out and correct my anchor text situation.

Many thanks to Aaron and Joost

March 18, 2007 - 11:11pm

Greasemoney ;-) nice freudism.

March 13, 2007 - 4:36am

Whats the world coming to? I was looking for the 'paid review' disclaimer on the post :(
We can't even simply blog about stuff we like anymore! :(

March 13, 2007 - 4:39am

I just blogged about something I liked. I think your confusion is your own Lea ;)

I have not put this blog in any paid to blog ad networks because the monetization already works well and I think there could be a conflict of interest.

March 13, 2007 - 9:13am

Funnily enough, I was looking for your email yesterday to send you the link and suggest that it would be a perfect function for your FF SEO extension.

The idea struck me more or less as soon as Google started displaying the data. Well done Joost, but alas my set-up has never allowed me to use Greasemonkey - obviously some conflict with another plugin I have :(

Great idea Joost. And hopefully to be replicated soon in Aaron's extension.

March 13, 2007 - 1:59pm

Thx Richard, and Aaron, thank you for covering it :) If you need help adding this in to your extension: let me know!

March 13, 2007 - 9:41pm

I cant figure this out, I got the GreaseMonky in and the script, but what do I do now? Where to do go to see the results?

March 13, 2007 - 11:11pm

Robert: to the link data for a site in your Google Webmaster tools account.

March 14, 2007 - 12:10am

I blogged about this myself last night. Joost if you're still checking in on this post I think the extension is great. Works just as advertised and provides some good data. Very useful and many thanks.

Don't worry Aaron. Not everyone sees this as a paid review. I know it never crossed my mind and I'd be willing to bet most people saw it for just what it was; a mention of something you liked and thought useful.

March 14, 2007 - 12:24am

Still checking indeed Steven, thx for the compliments :) And anyone who knows me knows I wouldn't have enough money to bribe Aaron ;)

March 14, 2007 - 2:39am


I don't understand
"Robert: to the link data for a site in your Google Webmaster tools account."

can you be a little bit more specific, im not great when it comes down to these things.

Sorry about this.

March 14, 2007 - 5:59pm

Great script, Joost -thanks Aaron. See? Not everyone from Holland is weird.

March 15, 2007 - 6:30am

Thanks for the information on the Firefox Greasemonkey extension. I hadn't even heard of Greasemonkey heretofore. You're quite right though, the tool is fast, it was neat to watch it populate all the data page by page on all the inbound links.

Robert: Maybe I could help, when you go to use the link in Aaron's post... you can click on webmaster tools and then log into your Google account. Once you're logged in, it should show you your site listings on the first page. Click on the link for your site and on the next page at the top left will be four tabs. Select the tab labelled 'links' and it will bring you to a page listing all inbound links to your site. Once you click on a number, listing inbound links, the Greasemonkey script will kick in adding pagerank and anchor text. Hope that helps!

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