Bite ¿Byte? Sized Content

Recently Google allowed you to link to an exact minute and second of video. They also give each page of a book its own URL.

Published: August 11, 2006 by Aaron Wall in publishing & media


August 11, 2006 - 8:03pm

Now we can take even more things out of context ;)

August 12, 2006 - 4:21pm

Hmm, I've got a book that's up on Google books and I can't seem to find individual links to the pages that doesn't look like:

The above is a link to a page in my book; I'm not sure how to truncate it or if there's something more 'user friendly' to be able to reference.

I'd love to get more clarification from Google.

August 13, 2006 - 12:45am

Richard -- it looks to me like the books that have full text (yours is partial text) have more robust page navigation with marginally better URLs.

To use the example Google cited in their blog of a full text book, the URLs are formed like:

In this case, jtp likely means “jump to page”. You are probably better off using a service like if you want to pass it around. Doing so for your example, gives us:

August 13, 2006 - 5:43am

Richard – it looks like your example URL is a marginally less user friendly due to the fact that it leads to a book that is only available under limited preview. Google’s URL format is a little nicer (but still long) when all pages of a book are accessible.

Regardless, they are going to be pretty long URLs and you might want to use a service like to make them friendlier – I’ve turned your example into:

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