How to Make Google AdWords Ineffective

In How to Become the Doctor for a Famous Rock Band Clifton Sewell tells the whole world (including his competitors) that AdWords are currently under priced in his vertical.

The doctors have been running paid ads on Google for four months now, under terms such as "San Francisco Doctor". They're spending roughly 50 cents per click for top positions and their total monthly spend is about $500. "We get about 20-30 new patients a month from it, so we're happy," said Clifton.

Next month part 2 of the series will be out, where Clifton bitches about how AdWords is ineffective due to being hyper competitive.

Published: November 25, 2005 by Aaron Wall in pay per click search engines


November 26, 2005 - 1:30am

Funny, I just read that today too. MarketingSherpa is full of great marketing case studies. I'm not compaining about any of MarketingSherpa's articles because they are so damn useful!

I've had to be very careful with both my blog and forum posts to not reveal too many details about what exactly I'm doing online. Yet, I still have to give readers information valuable enough that they come back for more, and actually believe I know what I'm talking about.

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