Google Working on Predictive Market Technology?

This is where Google can really make scary scary scary profits. I am sure they want to be careful with the way they leverage their Database of Intentions, but nobody in the world has access to as much user data as Google does.

A while ago I whinged on about how Google could leverage their data to own just about any trading market in the world.

Published: September 22, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google


September 22, 2005 - 3:07am

the danger with predictive market technology is that the prediction doesnt even need to be right. if google announces a prediction, everyone will believe it, act upon that belief, and drive the market towards the prediction. in this sense the prediction will *become* right. it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

i'd be surprised if google rolled something like this out for the stock market though. too controversial, and too much of a departure from attacking MSFT and YHOO.

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