Ye Old Domain Names

Jim Boykin likes old sites.

And created two tools for looking up site age. I think Jim is still working on the tool naming front. Getting better though, the first tool only took an 18 word link to describe ;)

And if you want to register new domain names, this is a cool tool.

And while at Web Professor, I realize text in images is evil on the usability front, but I may sometime want to try this out. Although I already have tons of other usability issues that should be way way way better than they are on this site.

Published: September 20, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


August 28, 2007 - 9:27pm

Amazing i have been looking around for this tool for god knows how long, i have came accross tools like these but this one has to be the best so far

thanks for the info

September 21, 2005 - 3:55pm

Thats for the info. I ahve been looking over the web professors tool and have to say it is one of the best tools to come from its genre in a while. I have spent so much money in the past day registering domains I will probably never have time to do anything with!

I have registered one old domain in the past and I luckily had a relevant product so it generated great type in traffic and almost brand recognition.

Thanks again for the info.

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