Autosubmit Features, Link Exchanges, & Directories

New features on SEO Elite:
Brad Callen just sent out an update email promoting new features on SEO Elite. One of which looks for link exchange type pages with form boxes on them to add URLs to, and autosaves your submission data for reuse (sorta like many common toolbars and RoboForm, but without allowing you to enter details like credit card info and business address, etc).

Bulk vs Quality:
In many areas the bulk volume link techniques still appear effective, but I have a single page website that ranks at #17 in Yahoo! for Effexor which has it's only links coming from DMOZ and DMOZ clones. Some of the other top ranked Effexor sites are ranking from bulk linkspam, etc. So both techniques still work.

Mixing Data:
I don't like reusing the same data over and over again because as search advances that mechanical type approach stands a greater chance to be filtered by more and more major algorithms. For a long time I did not mix descriptions that much, but as a forward looking SEO tip I think it is worth the extra time to mix up the descriptions as well as the anchor text.

FireFox InFormEnter Extention:
Dazzling Donna said she is going to be a grandma soon (congrats), and recently pointed at a FireFox extension by the name of InFormEnter, which may help speed up submitting sites and link exchanges.

Directory Submission Manager:
Donna also pointed at a free directory submission manager program, although I am not sure I would want my submission data stored on someone elses site. The best spots to get links are usually those areas where the links have the most value AND most people do not think to look.

Zig When they Zag:
Over the past year I expanded my general directory list out to about 150 listings, but as others are pushing the idea of easy mass submissions I realize now is as good of a time as any to prune the weaker directories from my list and just refer people to other resources if they want to submit to tons of sites.

Most likely my list will soon have about 100 listings removed, as there are many sites tracking directories, and the cost of actively tracking them is far greater than any reward it may bring.

Published: July 12, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


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