Writing, Fearing Change, & Google's Offline Ads In Japan

Paul Graham:
on Writing, Briefly

buys BookSurge

And the Times They are A Changing:
The Annotated New York Times

Seth Godin:
on God's Time (and our inherent fear of change)

Google Battles the Pink Robots:
Google recently started advertising in Japan.

The launch of the campaign was timed to coincide with the beginning of the Japanese financial year, said Saito. April 1 is typically the day that large Japanese companies take in new employees. It is also close to the beginning of the school and university year, so many people are starting "new lives" at around this time of year. With the campaign, Google wants to promote itself as a way for people to get information relevant to their new lives, said Saito.

One of the biggest benefits of search engine marketing and creating your own content is that you can create products, content, and ads based on when you expect people to be at inflection points in their lives. (link found from SearchViews)

Published: April 5, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google


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