Automation & the Effectiveness Timeline of a Search Spam Technique

By the time people are looking to automate a no cost SEO technique, as a competitive strategy it is already dead. Blog spamming was once highly effective, but when commercial blog comment spam software was available the practice already stopped working in Google.

Automated Article Submission Software

At SMX advanced a Yahoo! engineer noted that if they detect content as duplicate they are less likely to trust it to seed crawling other documents. People are pushing article submission software to submit articles to article directories, but if most of the content on an article directory site is duplicate, marketers are pushing spamming them via an automated system, and the content networks accept automated submissions, obviously this is not going to be a clean and trusted part of the web that you can go back to again and again. Maybe it is good to try here or there for a bit of anchor text or other market testing, but it is probably not worth automating and doing on a mass scale, especially if the site lacks important signs of quality.

Hundreds of Engineers Work to Kill Spamming Techniques

The spam detection and anti-spam algorithms are driven by people. If something is commonplace in a market then the search engines try their best to stop it. If they can automate it they will. If they have to demote it manually they will.

In the second video here Matt Cutts talked about how spam prevention methods may be different based on language, country, or even market...noting that many real estate sites rely too much on reciprocal link spam.

The less your site's marketing methods look like spam and the harder it is to duplicate what you have done the less likely you are to get hurt by the next update. By the time there is a mass market automated spamming solution the technique is already dead.

Published: June 9, 2007 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


June 15, 2007 - 9:40am

It has been noticed by every single people that from last two years the spammers being more violated then before, they are doing spamming all over VIA email marketing and so on. so now its been difficult to catch spammers. so for cure we have to change our algorithm from SEO friendlly to Anti Spamic SEO.

June 9, 2007 - 10:14am

the only thing is, I would ne nervous about using automated article submission for anchor text like you said. The fact they submit your site to hundreds of directories, with exactly the same anchor text, i feel as though you may trip a filter.

June 9, 2007 - 11:01am

You can do it for sites you don't mind burning or deep pages on trusted sites that are not likely to be burned by adding a few low quality links.

And if you are afraid of burning one of your sites perform a more limited test.

If you are afraid of burning one of your pages you can link the signature links to an alternate URL with similarly themed content. If you see it getting good uptake on the search engines you can 301 that to the main page you wanted to promote for that anchor text.

And, of course, you can use some level of variation with your anchor text.

June 9, 2007 - 4:10pm


Jeremy Luebke
June 9, 2007 - 8:12pm

This is another case of ideal SEO and real world SEO being completely different,

I see SEs mention that doing mass article submission won't really help you because of duplicate content but I personally practice this technique and have seen amazing results with it.

These are already trusted domains but I have definitely seen over and over again article submission alone move a site up a complete page in the SERPS for the term being targeted.

June 10, 2007 - 4:56am

I'm not really sure why you would consider article directories that accept automated submissions unclean

They usually review the article before they post it to their site, at least that has been my experience when using software to mass submit.

I think most of links gained thru article submissions are pretty weak , but are a good cheap way to get some deep links and push a page or so out of the supplemental.

Elias Kai
June 10, 2007 - 10:56pm

I can believe Matt Cutts when I see that they are able to stop NEVTAKT.INFO and many other spammers.

Of course , the web should kept clean but at the end the web may and should reflect our real society and these bad techniques will always find their place and some web guru should keep an eye on these techniques.

After all, everyone wants attention. Some will go the faster and easy way, some will try the smarter natural way of doing it.

Adeel Shahid
June 11, 2007 - 7:31am

Great insight, i thought blog spaming was once a time thing, but article automated submission etc. They all are a pattern, and when they become publicly automated then search engine bans them.

Thanks for the Insight : Aaron ;)

Matt L
June 11, 2007 - 10:01pm

Yeah Aaron,

"Joe average" on the web who is looking either to get into marketing products and services via the web or looking to improve their existing business via the web has to understand that by the time a method of "gaming the system easily and cheaply" flows downhill to where they are getting that info, people way smarter than them have already milked it to a point where the super-geeks at Google have stemmed the tide of its effectiveness.

99% of those running businesses on the web will never outsmart Google, so their (and my) best way to spend time is by building a product that solves people's problems and is worth remarking upon. I know you say that in every other blog post or so, but it could be said even more.

That being said, I've used article submission on client sites where their content sucks and it did help notably. (lol)

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