New SEO Book Salesletter a Success

I took a while to post this because the AdWords data was too small of a sample set to trust as meaningful data, but from affiliate sales I now can say that the new SEO Book salesletter is a big success. Affilate conversion rates are up, last month I paid out twice as many affiliates as any prior month, and this month looks like it will be beating last month.

Here is the new sales letter and the old sales letter. You can read about the changes Brian Clark made here. I will soon do multivariant testing to further improve the salesletter and sales process.

Published: March 7, 2007 by Aaron Wall in aaron matthew wall


March 8, 2007 - 1:38am


First congratulations. As a consumer I despise the long sales letter format. As a businessperson I understand and appreciate its value. In fact, I've used long format myself, the off-line equivalent for direct mail campaigns.

Second, a little dig. wink wink nudge nudge
If you find that long format works well for your sales why do you use short format for your RSS feeds?

Oh yes, as a customer I can attest that SEO Book is a well written encompassing resource. It's a terrific way to learn SEO and also as a reference, even for knowledgeable SEM practitioners, to use while preparing their campaigns.

March 8, 2007 - 2:30am

Good to know - chance would have it I actually had a sale come through today from the links I placed on the SEO Glossary review I did a few months back.

It might not be dramatic earnings for headlines, but it does mean the review has almost paid for itself despite the low (but growing) traffic I had at the time.

March 8, 2007 - 7:19pm

Affiliate is officially the HARDEST word to spell in all of Internet marketing.

Not that it matters - the misspell is just as good as the real word. It's good to have both versions in a post, like Aaron does here.

Second hardest: "referrer".

March 9, 2007 - 4:31pm

Hey, congratulations on the great results.

I was wondering if you decided on which multivariate software to use? I am looking for one since the last I tried wouldn't work on my server.

March 9, 2007 - 6:57pm

A lot of these tactics come from Direct Mail. Long copy, if well written, will always outpull short. A salesman won't do a short pitch, he'll sell until you're sold. Why wouldn't you do the same in writing copy. One of the best people ever on these issues is a UK direct Marketer Drayton Bird.

He doesn't have a blog, but should. Here's his website, it's pricless.

His book Common Sense Direct Marketing is a must read too.

March 9, 2007 - 9:31pm

I know the new sales letter got me to buy the book.

March 13, 2007 - 2:18am

You're not allowed to use Adwords image without linking to your Adwords company profile.

A friendly reminder. ;)

June 19, 2007 - 12:11pm

Affiliate is officially the HARDEST word to spell in all of Internet marketing.

Not that it matters - the misspell is just as good as the real word. It's good to have both versions in a post, like Aaron does here.

Second hardest: "referrer".

June 19, 2007 - 12:12pm

Affiliate is officially the HARDEST word to spell in all of Internet marketing.

Not that it matters - the misspell is just as good as the real word. It's good to have both versions in a post, like Aaron does here.

Second hardest: "referrer".

May 22, 2007 - 7:30pm

Good to know - chance would have it I actually had a sale come through today from the links I placed on the SEO Glossary review I did a few months back.

It might not be dramatic earnings for headlines, but it does mean the review has almost paid for itself despite the low (but growing) traffic I had at the time.

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