Making Work a Game

In Human Computation Luis von Ahn talks about how the Google Image labeler turns work into a game, and how you can enhance that information further by using a game like Peakaboom.

How many cool things will people do on the web for arbitrary points? And are the points actually arbitrary if they make people happy :)

Published: September 24, 2006 by Aaron Wall in technology


September 24, 2006 - 3:36pm

The game is a fun little time waster and the sad part about it is that we are doing some Google analysts job for them. This is the saddest aspect - there's nothing in it for the player. More to the point, we should be doing this with our own images. Not Google - let them try and appreciate, for once, the hard work it takes to optimise every image on site....

September 25, 2006 - 6:19pm

How many cool things will people do on the web for arbitrary points? And are the points actually arbitrary if they make people happy

Well, aside from virtually every online PC game, well, ever?

September 26, 2006 - 4:29am

We are all homo ludens, to some extent. Just as we are homo sapiens, homo faber, etc.

So, yes, there is some value beyond no monetary gain since we are "hardwired" for play. Google's image game provides an outlet.

Not my cup of tea, but I understand how it could be for some.

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