Content Development - Content Quality vs Profitability

As an SEO I think there are 3 main types of content. That which would not pass a human review, that which would pass a human review but is just ok, and content which is linkworthy. When building a site you need to consider what you are targeting. Do you want to quick spam Yahoo! and MSN? Or are you looking to create something that is more longterm in hopes of an eventual Google ranking?

Content which is crap and content which would pass a human review but is still of low quality can dominate Yahoo! or MSN, but if you want to do well in Google you need to target ultra niche terms, work from an old domain, or try to create linkworthy content.

I guess the three types of content could be broken down into 5 main types if you wanted to:

  • that which would not pass a human review

  • that which would pass a human review but may cause people to trust you less, unsubscribe from your site, and pull links
  • that which would pass a human review but is just ok
  • that which would pass a human review and is pretty good. may build a bit of trust and gain a few subscribers.
  • citation worthy content

Even if you made some articles nearly perfect, based on their niche and topic they may not be citation worth, whereas content that is targeted around linking opportunities (or intentionally biased against a product or service that is easy to hate, for example) may be more citation worthy even if the amount of effort needed to create it was minimal.

When you start a website you have to know what your targeting and what type of content to use to fulfill that goal. If you mix and match your goals and content quality you kill your efficiency and profitability.

Published: May 19, 2006 by Aaron Wall in publishing & media


May 19, 2006 - 2:15pm

In essence, you are saying that excellent content for niches will attract both people and in bound links?

May 19, 2006 - 5:01pm

I am not only saying that. I am also saying that if the content you create is not link worthy it may as well be just average so you can create a lot more of it per unit time...and then create a few really good pieces of content that are citation worthy.

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