Using Viral Content Ideas or Technology to Build Links in Spammy Industries

In some industries, like payday loans for example, it is hard to get legitimate citations.

If somehow a well discussed technology runs close to your core field it may be worth creating content around that linking opportunity and ask the right people for feedback on your end produt. Many of them will give your site authoritative links that are going to be hard to compete with.

Even run of the mill online flower shops may go from a me too site to a heavily linked industry authority if they added something like this to their sites. As storage costs go down and more people filter information in more and more ways there become more and more marketing opportunities. Largely because there become more overlapping intersections between industries. Many of those intersections get talked about and heavily linked at.

Published: April 4, 2006 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


April 5, 2006 - 4:27pm

No need to store those images on the server even - they get them off Flickr. I've seen a similar toy that let you enter any text and then have it displayed in letters taken off different photos stored on flickr.

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