Dan Thies on Links...Great Free Video!

Dan Thies has a great free video covering link strategy. It is from week two of his last link training class.

People look for concrete yes or no answers to link questions, but link strategy shifts as your market position shifts. Anyone new to linking and looking to have a long view on how the dynamics shift and how to weigh their risks and techniques would do well to watch that free video.

If you like that video and want more Dan's next 8 week link building Teleclass starts March 22nd and costs $795. Money well spent if you can afford it and are new to linking. This message is totally unsponsored. Although Dan gave me a coupon code I did not use it because I wanted readers to know this was not a sponsored recommendation.

Published: March 10, 2006 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


May 19, 2006 - 9:10am

Thankyou very much for the extremely informative video, I've been having boatloads of trouble getting any success with keywords on yahoo and google for my Guns N' Roses website and every now and then I need some new information and a pick me up to keep me going. Your video helped get my blood flowing and give me the ideas and information I needed to jump back into the game.
P.S. - I like MSN

March 17, 2006 - 1:11pm

Here's a recent Dan Thies interview from OMB.

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