Hidden AdSense Ads & Hidden Search Results

Ads as content...works well for some. You know AdSense is out of hand when premade sites are selling on eBay.

Debt Consolidation:
Fun to hear a guy whine about his 2 sites in his sig file not outranking Forbes for debt consolidation
because Forbes has an ad page. :(

I bet his debt consolidation lead generation sites are informational in nature :)

Some are discussing creating links wars
as if that will help them rank. Good luck knocking out Forbes.com.

If Google dials up their weighting on large authority sites before Christmas maybe the solution is to buy ad pages on some of them. I bet there are some great underpriced ad links and advertisement pages if people would look hard enough.

Link to Jim Boykin's new tool...still a bad tool name though, IMHO.

Published: October 18, 2005 by Aaron Wall in contextual advertising seo tips


October 18, 2005 - 5:34pm

Aaron - Posts like this are why you're the first blog I check every day. If I had the time to implement all the ideas I see on your site, I'd be a wealthy man today. The forum thread about the Adsense ads was particularly good today.

October 19, 2005 - 6:27pm

Great quality news Aaron - I especially like Jim Boykin's new tool... although I did have an issue with its results for "phrase on page" for my site - cited zero when it actually has the phrase 6 times. Hmmm... Can't really complain about free tools though!

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