Jim Boykin On History of SEO & the Top Results

The History of SEO:

2005 SEO - Yahoo and MSN, pound with lots of links at once and keep pounding with anything you can get for backlinks with a focused backlink text campaign. With Google, the older the site the better, slow and steady link building with a large variety of backlink text wins (notice it’s the opposite of yahoo and msn).

Google’s Top 10 Choices for Search Results:

I think that for most searches, the top 10 will consist mostly of these types of pages. I think Google does this on purpose to show a variety of Types of pages to the user.

If you’re targeting a phrase, you should start by figuring what type of result your site will be, and what it’s role is in the top 10, and who you’re "real" and "direct" competitor is and what it will take to replace them.

Great posts Jim.

also good comments here Reputable SEO Companies

Published: October 13, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


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