Yahoo! Link Building Strategies + Advanced Yahoo! Search Operators

I finally made my new page on Yahoo! Search at This blog format is so much better than that huge evil site. I could literally work on that site for 10 hours a day and it would take me months to make it as kick ass as I would like. This site is more of a post and forget it...less maintenance.

New Yahoo! Search operators

  • site: this allows one to find all documents within a particular domain and all it's subdomains.

  • hostname: this allows one to find all documents from a particular host only.

  • link: this allows one to find documents that link to a particular url.
    Example: link:

  • url: this alllows one to find a specific document in our index.
    Example: url:

  • inurl: this allows one to find a specific keyword as part of indexed urls.
    Example: inurl:bulgarian

  • intitle: this allows one to find a specific keyword as part of

Try out the new Yahoo! Search

Bonus tips on using the new Yahoo! Search for your link building needs. You can do multiple advanced link things with Yahoo! Search. For example

link: inurl:partners

Would show you sites that link to my other site with parnters in their url. In addition you filter page title instead of url by using intitle: or you can change the word partners to

  • link

  • links
  • resources

or just about anything else that would show you the links are out of a textual context. This is a quick way to evaluate how and where to get some of the easiest backlinks that your competitors are enjoying. A good example for the intitle: might be a word like reciprical...

Another trick on the same concept. Using Yahoo! Search advanced features you can filter the domain to be .edu. If you have an exceptionally well thought out resource you can use the .edu filter and see who is linking to some of your competitors and search for certain words on that page. These .edu links are heavily weighted in Google search results...

An example of this trick might be that I could find out education sites that link to a search engine that no longer exist and update them. If I still get too many results I can search to see those that also have the words "Search Engine Watch" on the page, or further qualify the page by looking for more words in the URL. I could possibly help convince the professor that I know enough about search to ask him to link to me. There is no substitute for tact, but most people will not know how you came to their site. I never automate link requests, but I believe in making them easy to find.

Published: March 14, 2004 by Aaron Wall in yahoo


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