Weekend Reading

Here are some interesting articles I recently came across.

  • Tapping into unconventional link attributes - tips to evaluate the value of a link, including the fresh boost and the actual lasting value of the link.
  • Beet.tv NYT report - Google traffic to NYT has doubled since unlocking their archives
  • Microsoft Tracking Search and Browsing Behavior to Find Authoritative Pages - even without PageRank you can easily discover authoritative pages largely through tracking usage data.
  • Yahoo! Buzz - a proof of concept of the Microsoft research...they look at search queries, emails, and votes to find what is really popular.
  • Portfolio.com interview of Michael Arrington - rather in depth interview explaining how Mike got into TechCrunch and how it took off to become a high paying full time job. With blogs being such an important part of the current structure of the web, reading the strategy of the leading technology blogger is a no brainer good idea.
  • 19.20.21. - project to research how population growth and urban living may alter the world and our ecological footprint.
Published: March 2, 2008 by Aaron Wall in


March 2, 2008 - 4:30pm

I'm surprised that the NYT traffic article does not mention Marshall Simmonds, the SEO guru behind the "unlocking" of the NYT archives. Convincing the old guard at NYT to remove the accessibility barriers was certainly not an easy feat. Marshall was recently touted by Danny Sullivan for being an SEO posterchild.

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