Mike Grehan Interviews Jeffrey & Brian Eisenberg

I am a big fan of the guys at FutureNow. I have yet to read their last book and they already have another one out. Mike Grehan recently interviewed them largely about user conversion after search (30 minute audio here). A few tips from the interview:

  • Many marketers still focused on the search engine, not the visitor experience after the search.

  • To do well think of a scenario of what a search is really looking for when they search.
  • Don't try to match the personality type for average person. Search for those with extreme needs and write for them.
  • Give the people what they want or give them a link to what they want. Answer the questions they are interested in that they need answered before they would consider buying.
  • Predict their next click.
  • Assume that your site visitors will largely ignore top and side navigational elements.
Published: June 13, 2006 by Aaron Wall in marketing


June 13, 2006 - 10:49am

It's all too easy to be so eager to get good search results and get lots of visitors and actually forget about the primary objectives of what you wanted the user to do when they arrived at the site. I agree that this area is too often overlooked and that ensuring the end user finds what it was they were searching for whether that is just information or the purchase of a product. Set the goals early on and work on achieving them with good ROI.

June 13, 2006 - 3:40pm

I too an a huge Eisenberg fan. They're way ahead of the curve in terms of what's important in online marketing. Since you haven't read it yet, I'll recommend my own full review of their new book, and now a daily romp through the book chapter-by-chapter. The book is a winner and there's a lot to consider and discuss.

The review is at: http://blogs.commerce360.com/archives/persuasion/waiting_for_your_cat_to...

Josh Wexelbaum
June 13, 2006 - 3:44pm

Persuasion Architecture is the best book bar none for webmasters that I have ever read. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Josh Wexelbaum
June 13, 2006 - 3:44pm

"Call To Action" by the Eisenberg's is the best book bar none for webmasters that I have ever read. I highly recommend it to everyone.

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