Gems in the Comments

One of the best part of questioning something that is generally thought well of (like Wikipedia & Web2.blah) is the quality of the responses.

Chris Chris Tolles, ODP co-founder, had the following to say about the Wikipedia:

Well, the idealism is part of the package here -- and something you need to consider when you're building and marketing products, or managing your career. If someone's going to go out and harness the public to create a competitor, you might want to take it seriously. If every one of those people *believes* in what they're doing, it is a force to be reckoned with, whether or not they are right, "good", or "bad". If they believe they are building *The* machine, it's a very different amount of effort than if everyone thinks they're working as part of a machine.

NFFC also has a fun take on the Wikipedia. I think there is some bitterness in that post. Somebody doesn't like Lucozade ;)

Published: October 19, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


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