The Telemarketer Who Called Me Rude

Did I ever mention how much I hate cold calls?

So I picked up the phone on the first ring, and this girl was still talking on the other end to one of her friends.

I said "hello."

She said "is Robert there" (Robert is my roommates name)

I said "who is this"

She said "is Robert there"

I said "who is this"

She said "Mary Jane. Is Robert there?"

I said "who paid you to call me"

She said "oh, you are Robert"

I said "who paid you to call me"

She said "I might be able to tell you if you weren't so rude and would stop interupting me." And then she hung up. Perhaps she reads the archives and knows better.

A telemarketer inturupting me, and not even being ready to talk when she does, and she is talking about someone being rude and interupting. What a perspective. What irony. I laughed.

It is the exact reason why search and blogging are so great. Those who want to tune in do, and you waste minimal resources hunting down disinterested prospects.

Published: September 30, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


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