SES Parties

At the SES conference there are many parties. Yahoo! and Google both held parties which were rather open. I think some of my friends who did not even attend the conference were at the Yahoo! party and I guess Jason Briggs or someone like that was at the Google party.

Ask Jeeves held an invite only party.

MSN held a party where many people thought you only needed to have a conference badge to get in. You drive across town in a cab for 20 minutes to get turned away at the door.

With all the money MSN is spending on marketing it is rather stupid for them to turn people away. I am not ranting stating that I deserve a free party just that its bad marketing to turn people away like they did.

The parties are often as good as the conferences because on top of being able to do social networking you can learn a ton about how various people market their products and services.

This conference was awesome for meeting people. I can't even name all the people who I got to hang out with, but thanks to everyone for all the fun.

Published: March 3, 2005 by Aaron Wall in aaron matthew wall


March 3, 2005 - 10:59pm

I had a blast this week.... my liver is begging to be left alone and I feel as if I have gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson...
It was very cool to finally meet and be able to hang out... looking forward to San Jose! And will send along info on the Florida convention later tonight.

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