Free Guide to Optimizing Your Blog for Google

Giovanna recently said that it would be a good idea for us to create a guide to doing SEO for blogs, so we did just that. Please give us feedback on what you think of The Blogger's Guide to SEO.
The Blogger's Guide to SEO.

If you like it please Stumble it, Sphinn it, and it.

Update: #2 on the popular list! Thank you. :)

Published: November 26, 2007 by Aaron Wall in marketing


Mack Hankins
November 26, 2007 - 9:24am

Awesome work guys. Will be attempting to follow this guide on my new blog.

Your just so lucky Aaron to have a spouse who enjoys taking part in your work. Gah, makes me sick. A blogger's dream lol.

Igor The Troll
November 26, 2007 - 9:53am

Aaron, look at the buttom of my page, how does it look?

November 26, 2007 - 9:57am

It looks good to me. I should have matched the green color a bit better maybe, but my color looks a bit more troll-like than the Shrek color. :)

Igor The Troll
November 26, 2007 - 12:09pm

Aaron I need your help to establish notability for an anti Zlob Trojan project PHSDL that I am working on.

If I cannot establish notability per Wikipedia guideliness the project will be deleted from WikiPedia. The warning came today!

PHSDL is a honeypot that catalogues Zlob redirect domains and prevents subsequent comment posting with a banned domain.

Also this project is very important for Wikipedia and for all of the Internet users, but they have their guideliness.

Please email me, and I will tell you more.

Thank you,

November 26, 2007 - 12:14pm

Hi Igor
I think you need to do more on the site design front. I know a bit about you so I can take your intent as being credible and pure, but independant third parties will find it harder to do so with a design that looks like that, IMHO.

Igor The Troll
November 26, 2007 - 1:17pm

PHSDL is Not About Looks But Technology

I wish I had time for redesign but fighting a War.

The problem is with Akismet blocking Wikipedia links because of UnSpam project honey pot setting.

If you check this list

You will see Wikipedia flaged as Spam.

I had a problem with and Loren, he had to change to captcha to fix it.

Here it is all documented.

Lance Spitzner from validated the project.

SpamHuntress validate thee project validate the project

Matthew Prince from UnSpam does not want to validate. Must be Conflict of Intrest!

Akismet is dependend on Yahoo blog users to tag Spam, while PHSDL only editor tags Zlob Trojan ActiveX Malware redirect domains.

I even got my comments with Wikipedia links flagged on Vanessa Fox Nude blog today!

Even Andi Beard domain has been caught as Spam by Akismet.

Akismet is a wide social media network problem that will hurt all of the Internet users if not checked.

PHSDL is a solution to Akismet, that professional editors verify what is Spam domain and what is passive Spam.

Regular home Internet users think everything is Spam, they even tag credit card company's statements and other important emails if they are not expecting an email arrival and it is sent from an email server address they do not recognine, which maybe different fro authoritative bank address.

Igor Berger
Project Developer

November 26, 2007 - 1:30pm

But do you realize that I put days of work into writing the content featured in this blog post, and that you had no time for my suggestions and your comment does not even relate to my post?

November 26, 2007 - 2:16pm

that's what happens when you feed trolls. nice blog guide.

November 26, 2007 - 2:48pm

Thank you very much! I have not read yet, but coming from you I think must be a really good guide. I hope to read it tonight.

Igor The Troll
November 26, 2007 - 3:05pm

Aaron I am sory I went off Topic.

I looked at your Blogger's Guide and it is very professional and authoritative compelation of techniques for optimizing a blog to survive and florish in the very competetive Blogging social networks.

Excelent work!

And thank you for giving me the podium to bring PHSDL into the light for the bloggers community.

With some help of another Wikipedian we were able to avert the deletion of the original article, providing notability to its existance.

Again, thank you for your help, please continue educating the blogger community, and if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.


November 26, 2007 - 3:35pm

Thanks Aaron just bought the book, great book and blog, I have been doing SEO for years but I was out of the loop for the last 3 years so I am playing catch up.

BTW I enjoyed this latest post as I do blogging and I dont know a thing about RSS and other feeds. I noticed the book and this blog guide dont explain how to make them.

Please help there, I know you dont teach web design to do SEO but since these feeds seem quite integral perhaps you can either teach us the ABCs or point us via a link as to how to create these feeds etc.? And what the differnces are between the feeds you have listed here for example?

November 26, 2007 - 3:54pm

Hi Talz11
All those feeds are the same thing...its just that people can use different feed readers to access them.

Most modern content management systems come with feeds baked into them.

November 26, 2007 - 4:16pm

So If you dont use a CMS you need to know XHTML or XML to create your own feed?

November 26, 2007 - 4:26pm

Yes, but in my opinion it is not worth the effort to hand roll feeds unless you rarely publish your site, but even then I would probably just suggest using a CMS.

Also there are some feed generator tools, but if you go to the effort to use those you might as well be using a CMS like Wordpress, MovableType, or Drupal.

Harry Bishop
November 26, 2007 - 4:27pm

Thanks Aaron.

Lots of useful thoughts in that post, appreciate it. I found a lot of the article comes down to common sense, and recognizing that you can't get famous or rich overnight :-)

I'm taking a more laid-back approach to my own personal blog, because I've made the decision to enjoy it first, and treat it as a learning experience second (installing WordPress means I'm starting to learn php), and leave gain/fame a distant third at this point. even if I have to start over later.

The one item I've re-learned quickly that's probably so obvious it does not need to be part of an "SEO for Blogs" article (you have certainly mentioned it before in other posts) is FOCUS ... I'm writing about a few different topics in my blog, and have found that this limits my readers - those that would real a blog on one topic may be turned off by a multi-topic blog compared to others, plus you dilute what your personal micro-brand is. After a few months I will split my blog into two ... one on online advertising, and one on vintage Seiko watches and misc other personal items. I knew before I started that I needed to do this, but it's one thing knowing it intellectually and another seeing the actual results.

Thanks as always (and congrats to your wife on becoming a successful part of your blog!),

Harry Bishop

November 26, 2007 - 6:24pm

I can see you put a lot of effort on this guide. Great work!

I noticed that you did not present social media as an effective way to build the readership of a blog. Can you comment on that?

November 26, 2007 - 6:37pm

Hi Hamlet
Three big reasons:

  • I didn't want to make the guide 40 pages long, adding way more than most users need.
  • The guide does mention community participation in it already. I believe that if you can be relevant on a personal level you can be relevant to larger groups.
  • Many of the social media sites send low value traffic, and providing real value to end users has more staying power than targeting Digg.
November 26, 2007 - 9:39pm

You can add to Google's hot properties...
This is really an excellent post; you guys are providing so much value to your readers on a daily basis that you deserve huge success. I'm definitely stumbling this one...

November 26, 2007 - 10:07pm

You can add to Google's hot properties...

The amount of data they have gets even scarrier when you think of all the stuff we listed while still missing something that big!

November 26, 2007 - 10:17pm

Stumbled. Sphunn. Delicious'd. Wish I could do more.
Thanks to both you and Giovanna, Aaron.

November 27, 2007 - 9:29am

Hey Burgo, Thanks for submitting and I'm glad you liked it!

November 27, 2007 - 1:46am

You guys actually reminded me of an article I recently read in National Geographic about swarm intelligence. It relates to your quick comment about social proof, but check out the wiki topic:

Great post!

November 27, 2007 - 5:27am

Awesome job! Way to put together a guide for bloggers!

I've added it to and shared it on facebook!

Great work as always!!

November 27, 2007 - 7:02am

Thanks for the kind comments everyone. Glad to know our hard work was well received. :)

Igor The Troll
November 27, 2007 - 7:47am

Aaron thank you for yesterday.
I have created a document about PHSDL in community.

I apologize again for coming at the worng time, but I, as an absent minded professor, did not realize the importancy of your post until latter. I glad you scloded me. I deserved your repremend.

But I am sure your users and friends will understand how generous you are toward bloggers and to other developers.

Good luck with your work,

November 27, 2007 - 8:50am

Awesome Job and a Great post! coming right up.

November 29, 2007 - 2:03am

Would you mind I translate this article into Russian and publish in my blog?

November 29, 2007 - 4:03am

It is Creative Commons licensed Simeon. You can translate it, mix it up, sell it, give it away, whatever you want really. It is up to you to add value to it any way you wish. :)

December 6, 2007 - 10:03pm

Thanks Aaron for this great post. Glad to see you are comming out of the "darkness"... Just kidding. Hope to keep comming back to your blog as I used to.

December 16, 2007 - 4:00pm

This guide has inspired me to finally start a blog. Is it safe to say that the most SEO friendly service to use is Wordpress?

December 16, 2007 - 8:49pm

Hi Wgrasty
Wordpress is good, but it takes a couple tweaks. Make sure you

  • enable clean URLs
  • watch the Michael Gray video I embedded in that article
  • Optimize the page titles - as mentioned in both the article and Michael Gray's video.
April 23, 2008 - 9:45am

Dear Aaron, I'd translated that post in catalan.

Let me know if you want catalan Flag.

Be careful with the Spanish translation. It have some little problems.

Isaac Sunyer

April 23, 2008 - 6:59pm

Thanks for the translation Isaac. Linked. :)

December 2, 2008 - 3:25pm

learn a lot from this page.......I intend to translate it inot chinese and find out that the article have been translated.

January 4, 2009 - 8:01pm

Absolutely brilliant. Appreciate I'm a little late at reading this, but all good things come to those who wait huh? Just wish I'd found it sooner.

May now have to go out and start a whole new blog just so I can put the whole of this to use! lol

Thanks Aaron.

January 4, 2009 - 9:14pm

Glad you liked it and found it useful sanssecret :)

January 5, 2009 - 8:16am

Hi Aaron,

I couldn't find better place to inform you that I translated the The Seo Guide for Bloggers to Hungarian.

You can find it here:

January 5, 2009 - 9:38am

Flag added. :)

January 29, 2009 - 10:29pm

Thanks again for a very informative essay. I've sent a link to several people I know.

April 1, 2010 - 1:30pm

Dear Aaron,
congratulations for this excelent BLOG!! It's amazing!
I've clicked in the spanish flag about this article but doesn't run, reply an error.
I've been translating this excelent article to spanish, and If you want you can put this link in the spanish flag:
Afterwards, all the spanish community can read this article correctly.

April 1, 2010 - 4:00pm

Thank you. I removed that 404ed link :)

Could you please put some of the reference links in your document & fix the broken Youtube embeds and whatnot & then I can link it up.

April 2, 2010 - 12:39pm

Dear Aaron,
I've updated all the reference links and fixed the broken Youtube embeds.
Could you please see if there're something more wrong and put the spanish flag with this link:

April 2, 2010 - 9:34pm

updated the flag link :)

May 24, 2011 - 9:49pm

I really appreciate the clarity of this piece, as well as the level of technicality simplified. For those of us know dont know all the alphabet gobbledy-gook, it was great to have so many pointers that were actionable! As a subscriber to your 12 day trial, I can really see the value. Thanks so much.

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