Second Tier Search Engines & Clean Traffic Sources

WatchMojo recently posted about their experiences with GoClick:

Looking at Google Analytics, I saw that initially [GoClick's] traffic came from sources such as and, but that progressively it included sites like By the time you read this, is long gone into the annals of web history, which is fitting because these sites stink and the intermediaries that profit from them like GoClick - or their parent Marchex - are full of shit.

The problem when you leave the major ad networks is that monetization is so much less efficient that it is hard for them to have any legitimate CLEAN traffic partners other than media they own. Google bows down and caters to adult traffic sources. Why would any clean traffic sources be part of second tier networks if the top ad networks are willing to pay out nearly 100 percent?

Published: May 28, 2007 by Aaron Wall in marketing


May 28, 2007 - 6:56pm

For the majority of instances second tier traffic isn't that good - but for some specific niches their traffic can be of good value - so it may be worth testing it if you're looking for extra traffic.

Another thing is - engines like 7Search, are increasingly willing to go the extra length to try and "tidy" up traffic sources to bring you better leads.

But you're right - for most people just being on Google and Yahoo! is plenty - even if the costs are a lot higher than the others.

Justin Anderson
May 28, 2007 - 10:26pm

The truth of the matter is... You Get What You Pay For.

I have tried a couple of "2nd Tier" search engines, namely SearchFeed and Enhance (formerly AhHa), and while they do provide a boost in traffic, the traffic converts much, much lower and after looking through traffic stats the referring sites are just low grade PPC search portals. The bids are about a 1/10 of the cost of Adwords and Yahoo!, but convert about 1/20 as well. Might as well keep that money and put it into more traffic from Adwords and Yahoo!.

June 16, 2007 - 12:29am

I would advice any one using goclick. they are waste of your as i used them.

June 16, 2007 - 12:30am

I would advice any one using goclick. they are waste of your as i used them.

June 16, 2007 - 12:30am

I would advice any one using goclick. they are waste of your as i used them.

June 16, 2007 - 12:30am

I would advice any one using goclick. they are waste of your as i used them.

May 30, 2007 - 12:40am

ahhh yeah. This has been their problem for the past 2 years so not much new here, except 'shorting' possibilities. Perhaps that is the only reason these companies are still around.

Great place to start arbitrage though... and even thought google sees these sources, they still are allowing it come in.

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