
Not really SEO related, but I got back from Bonnaroo, and have to say it kicked ass. My favorite reason to go to big festivals is not just to hear the music, but more to see the human interaction and the display of passion associated with it. Sure some marketing agencies can push garbage on the radio enough to get some people to like it, but you don't get to the level of a group like Radiohead without having some real passion behind what you do. I think art is one of the hardest things to market, and even harder to keep producing with the same high quality and authenticity after success had produced a feedback loop that heavily influences the artist's life and work.

How does Radiohead stay fresh after over 800 shows? Never playing the same set list twice. They played 28 songs at Bonnaroo.

A few of my favorite Radiohead songs

Fake Plastic Trees (live @ Glastonbury 2003)

Karma Police

From the Bonnaroo set


Jonny Greenwood is known to play guitar so aggressively that he had repetitive strain injury in his right arm and had to wear an arm brace for playing. Thom Yorke has broke down crying after recording a song. On top of being absurdly talented and working hard they also display more emotion than most would dare do.

Their blog kicks ass and this post sums up why I think they are so successful:

im not supposed to put any of this here. so thats why i am.

Published: June 22, 2006 by Aaron Wall in marketing


June 24, 2006 - 8:53am

Man, extremely jealous I didn't get to go. I'm a big radiohead fan too. Good to see someone else in the industry with a real taste for music. :) And yes, their blog rocks.

You see yet?

June 24, 2006 - 9:46am

Already ordered the CD, just waiting for it to come in.

I am half tempted to follow Radiohead around Europe in August. What kicks ass is that they missed a tour date in Amsterdam and are making it up at the end of the tour, so that is where the trip would end. Budapest sounds kinda crazy too :)
Aug 12 Budapest Hungary Óbudai Island (Sziget Festival)
Aug 15 Avenches Switzerland Rock Oz'Arenes
Aug 17 Hasselt Belgium Pukkelpop Pukkelpop Festival
Aug 19 Chelmsford England Hylands Park (V Festival)
Aug 20 Straffordshire England Weston Park (V Festival)
Aug 22 Edinburgh Scotland Meadowbank
Aug 24 Dublin Ireland Marley Park
Aug 25 Paris France Rock en Seine Two day festival
Aug 28 Amsterdam Netherlands Heineken Music Hall

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