Owning Google by Spamming Bathrooms

It's all about mindshare.

Over at Threadwatch Massa posted about how a friend's site quickly ranked in Google by spamming bathroom stalls with URL laden yellow stickies.

I'm not telling anyone to spam bathrooms. I'm merely making a point that maybe thinking differently and thinking in terms of something other than tech may offer some answers to this debate. I'm not sure putting up post-it notes in toilets is people marketing, but I'm also not sure it isn't search engine marketing.

Published: January 10, 2006 by Aaron Wall in marketing


January 11, 2006 - 8:14am

That's a new idea? I see URLs all over the place: car bumper stickers, door magnets, written in shoe polish on windows, written in sidewalk chalk, slips of paper left in books and magazines at the bookstore, and -- yes -- even with postit notes in restaurants and public restrooms.

January 11, 2006 - 8:16am

>That's a new idea?

If you read his whole post then I think it becomes a bit more interesting.

January 11, 2006 - 8:20am

Kind of reminds me of Michael J. Fox's "Secret of My Success" and the stall reader boards. Interesting, but really...

January 12, 2006 - 5:09am

I wonder , would people be typing the url they found in google search and it not coming up

so many people do this diff IP maby

I wonder what would happen if i took a proxy list and then had it qurey google for url,

get a 1000 proxys hrmmm

January 12, 2006 - 5:15am

I would expect Google to have a decent list of known proxies.

Search Google normally and then search it from a proxy and notice how some of the AdWords ads fall off the SERP.

March 4, 2006 - 10:53pm

I have seen it done, and we actually did a test of leaving business style cards in mens bathroom all over. The domain was new, and had ZERO traffic. out of 1000 cards left, we got about 1300 hits in 2 months. All aparent type in. We have not tested it since, but never really watched to see of it had any effect in google or any other SE.

March 5, 2006 - 1:18am

Like I been saying: "All you have to do is get the attention of search engines and give them that warm and fuzzy."

Jack Mardack

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