Google Site Targeted AdSense - Killer Market Research Data

So some of my site targeted ads started running today.

Within the targeting there will be biases of the audience personality, and the bias of how well people know you or the product you advertise, but right now with the site targeting not having a ton of competition I can get a glimpse into how effective various AdSense formats and ad positions are, creating my own real world tested AdSense heat map.

Although I should, I do not have many AdSense sites yet. I have been pouring most of my time into this one.

Some markets are absurdly expensive in search, but poor in content.

Mesothelioma is a term which is so expensive that people joke about it, yet when you look at content pricing people end up making little off it. Why? Because many people want those large ad dollars, so there is a ton of junk mesothelioma sites, and limited ad spend to go around them, combined with a fear of click fraud.

If you create scraper sites then there is little sense spending time and money to test the markets. You can just put up a site and see how it works. If you are debating creating legitimate long term content sites the new site targeted ads is an excellent way to see how well certain niches pay.

Simply join an affiliate program or two, run a few ads, and see how much they cost you per impression.

Published: June 18, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


July 29, 2005 - 5:38pm

On average, about 7 Americans a day are diagnosed with mesothelioma. The AdSense sleazeballs are for the most part too dumb to look at that number, and instead look at the cost per click. They may be stupid enough to believe the Overture inventory numbers which are vastly overinflated by SEO people and the like. (I search for "mesothelioma" several times a day as part of my job, but I don't have the disease and am not in the market for legal services, and I would certainly never click on an ad.) This is a very small market, but AdSense sleazeballs don't seem to get that.

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