Microsoft AdCenter Dynamic Text

SER recently mentioned Microsoft AdCenter dynamic text.

Microsoft AdCenter dynamic text is similar to Google's AdWords Dynamic Keyword Insertion, but also allows you to set other variable ad copy driven off the keyword inclusion. For example:

Keyword / Dynamic text parameters
"sedans" / 5% off
"SUVs" / 7% off

When you are ready to build your ad, you will enter "All {keyword} {param2} as the ad title. When a user queries "sedans," the ad that appears will be "All sedans 5% off."

Microsoft's dynamic text also allows you to use {param1} to drive your ad URL and / or landing page.

AdCenter FAQs here.

Published: May 9, 2006 by Aaron Wall in msn pay per click search engines


May 11, 2006 - 10:29am


I went to the adcenter page, didnt see much information, so i decided to sign up.. half way through the process it asked me for my credit card details, saying i'd be billed a "sign up fee" for signing up but it didnt even say how much!?

For an advertising site, this site doesnt sell itself very well at all.. what am i actually getting for my UNKNOWN signup fee? this is crazy! am I paying $1 or $100 to sign up? who knows!

May 9, 2006 - 11:29am

That sounds a superb feature to me. I would use it in an ad group which has a list of products, to display their prices in the ad-text. Should make a real difference when setting up a campaign.

June 2, 2006 - 3:57am

Only $5 folks - no worries. However... You can only use IE, and that's after you strip out google components. Their toolbar and web accelerator interfered w/ mine. The site is still pretty buggy, and there are strange delays in getting ads to show. It says they go up immediately, but my experience has been up to 3 days.

Advantage - Google.

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