Google Sending Out Keyword Suggestions via Email

A few days ago Google sent me the following email, which somehow sent me keywords for other websites.

Google did a follow up email appoligizing for the first email sending me the wrong keywords and sending me a new list of keywords.

Almost every time I start a new AdWords campaign I am impressed by new features that recommend more keywords inline during the sign-up process. This is sorta where there is great risk in data sharing with ad networks. The more data you feed into the network the more likely that data is to pour right back out into the hands of competitors & higher market prices.

Published: June 24, 2009 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


June 24, 2009 - 5:33pm

They do seem to be enticing potential AdWords users to target a wider array of keywords. It's quite unfair I guess, as the uninformed may think it's idea despite it spelling suicide for any chance of return on investment.

AdWords is getting bloated anyway in part because it's so easy to start out with no idea of what you're doing. Pushing more words into newcomers 'carts' drives up prices across the board.

Ah well.

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