Comment Spammer Hold Up Link Requests

Werty just sent me this. Pretty ruthless, sad, and funny:

hello , my name is Richard and I know you get a lot of spammy comments,

I can help you with this problem. I know a lot of spammers and I will ask them not to post on your site. It will reduce the volume of spam by 30-50% .In return Id like to ask you to put a link to my site on the index page of your site. The link will be small and your visitors will hardly notice it , its just done for higher rankings in search engines. Contact me icq _________ or write me _______(at), i will give you my site url and you will give me yours if you are interested. thank you

Published: September 6, 2007 by Aaron Wall in publishing & media


September 7, 2007 - 12:19am

He must think you have no idea with the spam, and cound give in! haha!

Sophie Wegat
September 7, 2007 - 12:42am

I got the same one.

September 7, 2007 - 12:52am

A bunch of us blogged on this guy. His line, "I know a lot of spammers and I will ask them not to post on your site." just had me rolling on the floor. He/It not only spammed blogs but also forums.

Definitely one of the oddest messages I've ever seen.

Hawaii SEO
September 7, 2007 - 1:48am

I got the exact same thing. Caydel got one too.

Extortion via Protection? What? Is this a joke?
I just laughed as I deleted it.

September 7, 2007 - 5:23am

loool "i will tell them not to post on your site and it will reduce the volume of spam with 30-50%"...

stop dreaming richard,nobody is that idiot

September 7, 2007 - 9:48am

Yeah - we got this as well. I Really wish that I had taken him up on his offer, found his URL, then spammed him back!

September 7, 2007 - 9:59am

lol i didn't see this part "its just done for higher rankings in search engines"

Aaron,be happy he told you, i'm sure you didn't know loool

James Dunn
September 7, 2007 - 3:57pm

I'll be keeping an eye on the homepage for new footer links.

September 7, 2007 - 4:14pm

I haven't received one of these... now I feel left out :(

Mack Hankins
September 7, 2007 - 6:06pm

I can't really figure out what his ultimate goal is though? Whats the scam?

"i will give you my site url and you will give me yours if you are interested. thank you"

Is it a link trade? Is there some kind of fee involved for his services? lol

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