SEO as Data Distribution and Audience Aggregation

Peter D has another great post on the evolving face of SEO. Explaining how content distribution can be huge, with Google Idol created virtually no content and getting over 10,000 visitors a day.

Pomme & Kelly (two 15 year old girls from the Netherlands) put their stuff in the third party database (GoogleVideo), GoogleIdol gave it some context and - bingo - the LA Times is covering the competition blow-by-blow.

The content is great, of course. But look how easily it got from the creators to mass-media, and marvel at the efficiency with which that process happened.

Matt also recently posted a Q&A post on his blog, offering a few tips for traditional SEO concerns, like site crawling.

Please ignore the bit about paid links needing a nofollow tag. Google doesn't use those evert time they buy links, and even Yahoo! has been a known link buyer and link seller. And lest we forget, Google's business model is being a link broker.

Published: April 1, 2006 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


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