Video Games that Teach You Marketing

Not entirely search related here, but some good marketing, etc. (and of course the games are fun)

Grand Theft Auto

An uproar over hidden, sexually explicit scenes in the video game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" spread to the halls of Congress on Monday.

How much marketing $$,$$$,$$$.$$ is THAT exposure worth? Games are already going for over $70 on eBay.

You run around as a kid learning various psychic tricks, and you jump into the minds of various people to collect their thought figments, clear their mental cobwebs, and fix their problems.

If you pick up some of the trends it may make it easier to see what drives other people to do things, which would make link requests, writing linkable articles, and creating linkable tools much easier. Psychonauts is amazing.

What other fun video games help teach good marketing?

Published: July 26, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


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